Tag: writing

Writers’ Group

Little Things in Life Ruby Regina Witcraft There are so many little things to remember in my life, and since I’m the kind of gal who gets a kick out of tying her shoes; I won’t burden you with millions of them. However, just to give you an example, here are of a few that…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

What I Miss from Days Gone By Dorothy Long Thinking back, one can become nostalgic for the good old days. Not all of it was better. We’ve come a long way because of modern technology. None of us would probably want to go back in time, but there are things we miss. I decided to…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

Those Wobbly Tires Barbara Schwartz Charlie was in his early 80s and was getting a little bit slower than usual. He and his wife wanted to take a trip and fly to California to visit their son. He called us and asked for help in arranging the trip (never mind that his daughter lived a…

Resident Authors

Local Author Publishes New Book <em>Second Chances</em> Sandra Givens Sandra Givens, Sun Lakes resident and author, has just released her latest book, Second Chances, available on Amazon. Young widow Claire McCann has decided it is time to move on with her life. To rediscover who she is without her husband, she sets out on an…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

Open House Presented by SL Writers Group Oct. 13 Please come join us for an Open House presented by the Sun Lakes Writers Group on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room at Cottonwood Country Club. Because of the coronavirus, we would be limited to schedule 10…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

What If???? Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt What If I wasn’t so busy this past week that I would have had time to write an article? Would you imagine what an incredible story it would be? Maybe… Well, I believe I had time and an incredible story. Allow me to begin back to my teen years. During…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

A Stitch in Time Sue Donovan I love hand sewing. Quilting, embroidery, cross stitch or simply mending are peaceful activities that relax the body and quiet the mind. Call it my time as a creative couch potato. Never at a loss for projects, my grandkids keep a constant stash of holey sweatpants and stuffed animals,…

Resident Author

Reginald J. Livingstone, aka Budd Livingstone I am in my 95th year and have written a book called Budd’s Life, and I have submitted it to Page Publishing, Inc., 320 Water Street, Box 700, Conneaut Lake, PA 10316. They have returned my call and said they are going to publish it. Wow!

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

Do you enjoy writing? Stories? Memories? Family histories? Please plan on attending our Sun Lakes Writing Group. We meet at the Cottonwood Ceramics Room (A-8) each Tuesday from 1 to 3 p.m. Please arrive at 12:30 p.m. for easy conversation before we start our group at 1 p.m. Each week, we choose two words to…

Sun Lakes Writers’ Group

Annabella Margaret Daniels Annabella was an independent little six-year-old girl. There was not a thing that this little girl did not miss and her exploration sometimes got her in trouble. Her mother at times felt she was a handful. Nevertheless, she loved her child. It was nice for Annabella that her grandmother was just two…