January 2017

Writing workshop starts  January 12, 2017

Anne Lee Miller

Sun Lakes Country Club will host local author Ann Lee Miller for a Creative Writing Workshop on Thursdays, January 12-February 2, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in the Friendship Room. The workshop will focus on how to plan and structure short stories, novels and nonfiction essays, articles and memoirs. Writers will practice showing the action of their…

New beginnings, new intentions

An example of Reiki healing.

Lois Valleau A new month, a new year and new possibilities. Reflecting on 2016, we remember the new adventures we had, the new habits we developed, the new friends we made and how we got a little wiser and a bit more gentle with ourselves. Perhaps we had challenges as well. Isn’t this all a…

Calling all baby boomers

Do you and your spouse love to go to the movies? Perhaps you’re both newly retired or new to the community and are interested in making new friends within your age group (born between 1946 and 1964). We are forming a monthly group with fellow movie lovers in our age group to see a movie,…

Happy new year from the Golden Goalies

Bea Loozer We’re starting a New Year. Doesn’t that stimulate you take stock and make some commitments — also known as resolutions? One of the traditions at Golden Goalies is to begin the year with a resolution luncheon. You can probably guess what most of our resolutions center around, but they do extend beyond weight.…

Advanced Spanish Conversation Group

Join us to practice Spanish! We are a group of advanced conversational Spanish speakers from various backgrounds who practice our language skills in an informal setting. We meet every Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 p.m. at Oakwood Country Club in the Ocotillo Room of the Arts and Crafts building. We discuss a wide variety of lively topics…

Line Dancing with Judee

When you have such nice people attending your classes and consider them extended family and friends, it is very sad to have one pass away. This beautiful lady, Suzanne Strasser, a/k/a “My Movie Star Dancer” who started dancing with me in 2000 at the Chandler Senior Center passed away December 3, 2016. She regularly attended…