Would you like to use and keep up your Spanish? Our group is informal, and our purpose is to have fun talking and listening to each other while improving our language skills. We discuss topics suggested by members and, when needed, we help each other with grammar and vocabulary. We encourage intermediate Spanish speakers to…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Yup! He’s Back! Former ‘Rock Club’ Member Returns Nine Years Later!

Well, he’s certainly been busy for the past nine years, but since Dick Eslick enjoys “giving back” to his community, we elected him chair of the Silver department, which automatically gave him a seat on our board of directors. Wife Vicki and Dick moved from Oregon to Oakwood in 2004 after he retired as senior…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Fun Lakers Winter Events

It’s time to renew your membership in the Fun Lakers Club. It’s just $15 per year and runs from January through December. Membership covers card and game groups like Euchre, Mexican Train, and Texas Hold’em Poker, as well as Bocce Ball and the Solo group. It also allows participation in other special events like the…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Bocce Ball Session Two Registration Open Until January 16

John Terranova, President Registration for the second session started on Dec. 1 and will continue until Jan. 8 at our club’s website www.sunlakesbocceclub.com. Those interested can complete a registration form and pay the $25 registration fee online, which covers the cost for a two-person team for the second session. Any individual who needs assistance in registering…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Getting to Know SLCT Board Member Robin Murray

Kate King Turner Many of us couldn’t imagine living in the same four-mile square area of town for all our growing-up years, but that’s what Robin Murray did. “Talk about a small-town girl,” laughed Robin. The town was Whittier, Calif. She attended Fullerton State University for her undergrad degree in public relations, and then went…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Scandinavian Club of the Southeast Valley

Come and enjoy an exciting time at our Jan. 15 meeting when the Scandinavian Dancers provide the program. Dedicated to preserving and sharing Scandinavian culture and heritage, they perform traditional dances handed down from generation to generation in native dress. Members and friends will be meeting in the ballroom at the Cottonwood Country Club at…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Cheers Singles Group News

Cheers is a social club with membership of 187 and growing. We are open to singles in Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Whether you are a year-round resident or visit us during the winter months, you are invited to become a part of the Cheer’s family. We offer many activities and programs, including…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Garden Club News
The Sun Lakes Garden Club celebrated the holidays with 60 members attending the party with Dickens Carolers. Members also enjoyed a field trip on Nov. 29 to see plants from the rainforest and desert at Biosphere 2. The Jan. 17 meeting will feature Monty Palmer teaching tree grafting. Have you ever wanted a “fruit cocktail”…
Clubs & Classes, January 2023
Presentation on Model Airplanes Rescheduled for January 16

Gary Vacin The presentation on flying model airplanes originally set for Nov. 21 has been rescheduled for the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering on Jan. 16, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo Room. The public is invited to attend. The guest speaker will be Ron Wasco, a member of the…