Lions Second Vice District Governor John Marselis visited the Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club (SLBLC) meeting to present the club with the “Model Club” award for our contributions to Lions Club International Foundation.
Diane Hitt Artists! This is the last month to apply to show your artwork at the 2024 Art at the Lakes. We have big crowds, great artwork, and a big raffle. We are now receiving applications for artists to participate in the show. Applications must be mailed by Jan. 29. Applications are available in the…
What makes the pros on the tour (WTA/ATP) look so efficient when they’re striking the ball over and over during their rallies? First, they are playing in their prime time (late teens to 30s). They are at their ideal body weight, eyes are keen, footwork perfected, anticipation of the balls, shot-making abilities, and an acute…
Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our organization would like to extend our appreciation for all the support you all provided over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we enter into the 2024 new era. After coming off a challenging year, things are getting back to normal, and our meeting…
Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She currently has punch cards available 10 for…
Steve Ambroso Felice anno nuovo! (Happy New Year!) The Sun Lakes Italian-American Club (SLIAC) had a festive start to the holidays on Dec. 7 with a live opera recital by members of the Arizona Opera Company. A baritone, mezzo-soprano, and pianist put on an awesome recital of Italian opera and holiday music. A raffle followed…
Maggie McLeod As the temperatures cool and we again meet up with our winter residents and friends coming back from destinations north, we find it a great opportunity to get together and celebrate the holiday season. Our Holiday Luncheon was preceded by a fun golf game organized by Deb Burns who got everyone “thinking outside…
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! Christmas came early in November with IMGA defeating MOGA in the Ryder Cup by a whopping 32 to 16! Unlike a Christmas present, however, it wasn’t a gift. The IMGA team did it the old-fashioned way. They earned it! Stepping up to the plate and batting a thousand…
Susan Gottschalk The annual holiday luncheon was held on Dec. 1 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Thank you to the catering staff and servers for the delicious lunch. Eight table teams played a ‘70s trivia game, and the winners were given a fun rhinestone ball marker. Installation of officers for the 2023–24 season…