Sun Lakes United Methodist Church and United Women in Faith invite women to a transformative retreat, “Conversations with God, Yourself, and Others: Discovering the Enneagram as a Spiritual and Relational Growth Tool.” This will be held at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church located at 9248 E. Riggs Road on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m.…
Category: February 2025
Religion, February 2025
Devorah Hadassah Events
Deb Engle Come join the fun and meet new friends! For information on Hadassah and attending our events, please contact Eliana Bar-Shalom at 860-377-7126 or [email protected]. We are welcoming a new president of our Devorah Chapter, Marcia Garnice. Please try to attend an event online or in person or one of our Out to Lunch…
February 2025, Religion
Made of Metal Takes to the Skies
Pam Wortman Made of Metal, the wildly popular men’s program at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes, takes off into the “wild blue yonder” on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 8 a.m. Mike Rundle, the guest speaker, served our country as a fighter jet pilot during the Vietnam War. He will share his experience of air engagement…
Religion, February 2025
Pondering the Meaning of Love …
Rev. Steve Foss, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes Often, our earliest memories of expressed love become the very fiber of life—the thread from which life’s memories are sewn. As a child, one’s life perception is egocentric: Everyone exists to meet “my” needs: protection, hunger, assurance, hygiene, and learning. Perhaps that’s where understanding love originates. If…
Religion, February 2025
It’s a Sweetheart of a Deal: FBCSL Celebrates Love
Pam Wortman First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL) has dedicated this month to love. February is all about love: our love for worship, our love for one another, and our love in fellowship with each other. Please join us in celebrating February Love. This is officially the month of love! While there are hundreds of…
Religion, February 2025
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, a Reform Temple, is now accepting new members. For more information, please contact Susie at 480-580-1592.
Religion, February 2025
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood Events

Esther Spear The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood knows how to throw a party. Our annual Paid-Up Membership Luncheon/Hanukkah party was a huge success. The catered affair was held in the Chapel House where we ate delicious latkes and played Hanukkah Bingo for prizes. The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood is holding its annual fundraiser,…
Religion, February 2025
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation
The regular monthly Shabbat service for February will be held on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. The Sisterhood will be honored during the service. Full services are conducted each month starting in November, except for July and August, on the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel. For additional…
Religion, February 2025
Love One Another: Building Community in February
Reverend Jennifer Lambert February is often called the Month of Love, and while Valentine’s Day fills the shelves with hearts and flowers, there is a deeper and more transformative love that deserves our attention. This is the love that Jesus spoke of when He said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As…
February 2025, Religion
Dancing in the Rain
Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. One of the most daunting prospects in human existence involves growing old and the feeling of abandonment. Sometimes we have visions that we will become helpless and a burden to those who know and care about us. A large segment of the senior population gravitates to retirement communities that offer the…