Do you enjoy playing a variety of games? We have separate tables for playing board games, card games, dice games, party games, or word games. We can teach you how to play, or you can teach us your games! We play games in Oakwood, Sun Lakes, but can schedule an event at your Sun Lakes…
Category: Clubs & Classes
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Red Hatters of Sun Lakes

The Red Hatters from Sun Lakes hosted a Chic Boutique at the Cottonwood Country Club ballroom with over 30 vendors representing various and interesting wares. While in the Saguaro Room, some Red Hat Society chapters sold slightly used Red Hat items. It was an exciting day shopping in the ballroom and visiting other representatives from…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Sun Lakes Card Makers
Brooks Scofield The Sun Lakes Card Makers will meet on April 17 at 1 p.m. for their annual Spring Fling. Come early at 11:30 a.m. for lunch and stay for the meeting. Spring usually means graduations, weddings, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and sometimes a new baby or two. We will be scheduling our summer meetings,…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Scandinavian Club

The Scandinavian Club, the oldest club in Sun Lakes, wrapped up another year with much socializing, cultural presentations, and sharing experiences at each meeting. At the March meeting members made a traditional toast with Aquavit (a Scandinavian liqueur), elected officers for another term of two years, and announced programs for next year. The plans for…
Clubs & Classes, April 2024
Democratic Club Meeting to Feature Candidates

Curious who’s running on the Democratic ticket for several county, state, and federal offices? Care to meet them in person and hear their views on issues that affect the future of Maricopa County, Arizona, and the nation? Then mark your calendar to attend the Sun Lakes Democratic Club’s April 8 meeting at 7 p.m. at…
Clubs & Classes, April 2024
Veteran U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot Briefs Aero Club

Col. David Sale (U.S. Army ret.) was the guest speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering on Feb. 26 at the Sun Lakes Country Club. Col. Sale briefed the more than 50 club members and guests about his flying experiences, including some 2,000 combat hours flying helicopters during the Vietnam conflict. The club will…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
AAUW: Striving to Meet the Ever-Changing Needs of Girls and Women

The AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch (SEV) wraps up its programming year on April 15 by looking at this year’s achievements and its goals for the coming year. The monthly meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Riggs Road. Among its achievements, AAUW SEV generously helped…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Desert Artists Club

Sue Sindelar Welcome to April here in the desert. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and building nests, and the sun continues shining brightly, calling us humans outside to partake in all of spring’s unfolding glory. Another wonderful month of moderate weather seems to invite us all to savor the beauty and nudge us to…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
African American Association of Sun Lakes

J.B. Appling Performing at this year’s African American Association of Sun Lakes Jazz in the Park will be Lisa Hightower. Lisa Hightower, also known as Lisa THEE’ Oracle Hightower, draws her inspiration from a multitude of genres and musical history, such as jazz, blues, R&B, and soul and is largely influenced by her gospel roots.…
April 2024, Clubs & Classes
Do Yoga with Margie at the CWPV Fitness Center

If you suffer with an achy back, sore knees, tight shoulders, and hamstrings, you might consider taking a yoga class. A well-rounded yoga class helps move our joints safely and strengthens and stretches our body and relaxes our mind. Many of the poses challenge our balance to help prevent falls and fractures. In my yoga…