August 2020

Trips and Tours

For more information or reservations, please contact Free Spirit Vacations and Events at 480-926-5547 or [email protected]. Cruise the Zoo Aug. 7, 2020 Price: $65 per car Cruise the Phoenix Zoo ($65 per car, and space is very limited so book early. Meet Free Spirit Vacations and Events at the Phoenix Zoo. We will caravan through…

Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight Jim Bach

Brother Knight Jim Bach is the Grand Knight of our Council 9678 at St. Steven’s Catholic Church. The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic Fraternal Society who invest their time, efforts, and resources into their values: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. To further enlighten our readers into the workings of the Knights of Columbus, we asked…

Word of the Month: Contumacious

David Zapatka Sister and reader Judy Haberstroh wrote after reading the June column, “This one is interesting. Initially, I was leaning toward using ‘yet,’ but once I saw the specific definition of ‘still,’ I felt that was the correct word. However, when talking, I would more likely place the word ‘still’ after ‘it’s’ rather than…

Message from the President of New Adventures in Learning

Bill Haskell, president of New Adventures Governing Council

Bill Haskell, President, New Adventures Governing Council In June, the New Adventures Governing Council decided to utilize the Zoom application as its online learning platform. Given the decision by Chandler Gilbert Community College to keep the Sun Lakes Center closed until January 2021, the Council’s only recourse to continue providing rewarding classes is to move…

Immune System Support and Protection

Rina Cupples, Traditional Reiki Master-Teacher Right now is a very good time to enhance your body’s natural ability to protect itself from invading disease organisms. One thing I do is give myself Reiki on a daily basis to strengthen and support my immune system. I like to add other means for healthy life support as…

News from Cheers Singles Club

We'll be back soon. Come join us.

Ann Kisner What a great day it will be when the COVID-19 decides to get the heck out of here. It’s been a long wait, and we still seem to be just treading water. Hope when you read this, it may be good news. Hopefully, all of you have been doing what is necessary to…

Featured DAC Artist Kathie Neffenger

Pictured is longtime member Kathie Neffenger with her “Pears” acrylic paintings at our Share Your Art Exhibit this past January. We sure had a wonderful time sharing our art and our friendships.

Sue Sindelar Summer is surely heating up, and this means more time inside to create our art. We look forward to being able to return to our Tuesday Desert Club Artist (DAC) gatherings and share time and art together. We will have another Share Your Art exhibit, so keep on drawing, painting, coloring—creating beautiful and fun…