Message from the President Roger Beagle September is the time our committees start meeting again. Our community always needs homeowner input and participation. You can be of great benefit to the community, board, and management with your knowledge and expertise by serving on a committee. Applications are available at Homeowner Services or online at…
Category: September 2021
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Korean War Veterans
Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson Hopefully, you all had an opportunity to spend some quality time over the summer months doing whatever works best, whether it be visiting new locations, meeting up with old friends, or just enjoying the local surroundings where there is so much to see and do. Every year around this time…
Generals, September 2021
The Library Corner at SLCC

Bette Hargrave Dear friends and patrons, September, a favorite month, is upon us. Back-to-school sales, changing colors of autumn—heat is still here, but soon to cool down. In August, we purchased these fine stories: Fallen by Linda Castillo, It’s Better That Way by Debbie Macomber, The Palm Beach Murders by James Patterson, The Rose Code by Kate Quinn, and in…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Savvy Travelers Club

Jeanette Rajamaki and Tami Bogdanoff The Savvy Travelers Club gatherings will resume Oct. 21 and meet live in the Saguaro Room at Cottonwood Country Club at 6:30 p.m. Savvy Travelers this July organized an excellent presentation on Egypt for 2023 via Zoom. If you have an interest in Egypt, we can send you a link to review…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Sun Lakes Lions Club: Three Members Receive Melvin Jones Awards

Brian Curry Worldwide, Lions Club International recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named after its founder, Melvin Jones. This award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas and actions consistent with the nature and purposes of Lionism. Three Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions were presented with Melvin Jones…
Generals, September 2021
Trips and Tours
For more information or reservations, please contact Free Spirit Vacations and Events at 480-926-5547 or [email protected]. Arizona Rails – Verde Canyon and Grand Canyon Sept. 9-10, 2021 Price: $560 pp/double; $670 pp/single Ride Arizona’s premier railroads, the Verde Canyon Railroad and the Grand Canyon Railway. Additional highlights include the Grand Canyon and the Copper Art…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Desert Threads Quilters Begin a New Year

Sue Bart The new officers for Desert Threads are starting to make plans for the coming year (which runs until June 30, 2022). We invite anyone interested in quilts to come join our chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG) and express your desires for programs and classes. Our September meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 8,…
Clubs & Classes, September 2021
Low Vision Support Group
Linda M. Horton The Low Vision Support Group will gather again on Wednesday, Sept. 8, at the Renaissance from 9 to 10 a.m., in the third floor Game Room. We will be learning about Low Vision Technology. If you are blind or learning to live with legal blindness, we invite you to come to learn…
Generals, September 2021
Crystal Awards Are Back
Sandy Applegate Due to the pandemic, the Crystal Awards were suspended last year. Now that we are back to near normal, it is once again time to consider whom you want to nominate for a Crystal Award. The Crystal Awards honor outstanding volunteers in Sun Lakes. We have numerous volunteers working tirelessly to make Sun…
Features, September 2021
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook Houzz Inc. is a leading online platform for home remodeling ideas. A picture says a thousand words, and it can be a great starting place to visualize what you want your home to look like and to communicate that with your project designer. With the powerhouse of computers, Houzz can determine the most…