September 2022

Word of the Month: Eggcorn Reader Comments

David Zapatka July’s WOTM word, “eggcorn,” resulted in a flurry of reader comments. “Just read your article in the Pioneer Press about eggcorns, and it made me chuckle. I didn’t realize they were called eggcorns, but I’ve encountered a few of the same “slip of the ears.” One that always annoys me is when people say ‘It’s…

Jump into Chordaires Now

Linda Ryan As summer wraps up, I’m looking forward to rejoining my new friends in Chordaires. I’ll be back in Sun Lakes in time for the last lunch and/or cards get-together of the summer, and sectional practices for the Veterans Day celebration in Cottonwood in November. Sectional practices are an opportunity for the groups that…

Seeing Value in Ourselves

Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. I read a very interesting essay and will share it with you, following which I will explain why I think it is important at this time during these difficult experiences we are all going through. A father said to his daughter, “You have graduated with honors. Here is a jeep I…

Niners Results

Gentlemen, the year is half over, and we are in the midst of the preparation for a full overseed. Some courses will be closed for a week to allow the grounds crew to get the job done. Keep checking our weekly schedule for any last-minute changes. We hope you all had a great weekend and…

Using Essential Oils in the Laundry Room

JoAnne Gaudioso Doing laundry may not always be the most exciting way to spend your time, but it is a task everyone has to face on a weekly or perhaps even daily basis. You can enhance your laundry routine with the cleansing power of essential oils along with a few handy tips. When words like…

Bridge Results

Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 7/18. 1st Bernie Ross and Paul Budrick, 2nd Joe and Joan Silver, 3rd Maurine Howell and Valda Wiggers; Slam: Bernie Ross and Paul Budrick 7/25. 1st Maurine Howell and Valda Wiggers, 2nd Joe and Joan Silver, 3rd Jeanette Newman and Dee Guthrie; Slam: Jeanette Newman and Dee Guthrie 8/02. 1st…

Sun Lakes Church and Chorale Director Honored

Yvonne Orlich Cris Templeton-Evans is well known in Sun Lakes for her excellent and dedicated work as the director of the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Choir, as well as the Sun Lakes Chorale. Both groups are thrilled and excited to learn that Cris was recently honored by the AZ Chapter of the American Chorale…