San Tan Crown Rotary Club will hold its fifth annual Bingo Bonanza Fundraiser on Saturday, November 15, 2014. This year’s event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the Arizona Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club clubhouse. Tickets are just $25 and each ticket provides a player with 3 game cards…
Category: Generals
Generals, October 2014
Attn: New homeowners of IronOaks
You are eligible for a free round of golf for two, a free week of fitness, a free week of tennis and a BOGO meal at any IronOaks restaurant. All you have to do is call the IronOaks Welcome Committee c/o Harold Lundgren at 480-369-2015 or e-mail him at [email protected] to receive your new homeowner’s…
Generals, October 2014
Worldwide prayer event October 31
The Mission Board of Sun Lakes Community Church is offering all Sun Lakes Community residents the opportunity to pray for the many needs facing our world today. As a part of a “World Wide Prayer” emphasis encouraged by The Voice of the Martyrs, this is an opportunity to pray for Christians that are undergoing persecution,…
Generals, October 2014
Music for all to enjoy

Jan Ott Sun Lakes Chorale has resumed its performing season and singers are meeting each Friday afternoon from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Choir Rehearsal Room. Happy to again enjoy the magical blend of men’s and women’s voices, members are eagerly learning new music and preparing for their December Holiday Concert…
Generals, October 2014
Arts and Crafts Fair planned for October 25
We will have 40 plus vendors with lots of arts and crafts to start your holiday shopping on Saturday, October 25 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the San Tan Ballroom, Card Room and the lobby and patio of the Springfield Adult Community located at 6495 S. St. Andrews Blvd. in Chandler (intersection streets are Riggs…
Generals, October 2014
America Remembers, A Musical Tribute

Join Sun Lakes Country Club over Veterans Day weekend for a special patriotic performance honoring the men and women who have fought for our country. America Remembers, a Musical Tribute is a live stage show and highly entertaining musical trip down memory lane. The show includes popular songs from the first half of the 20th Century…
Front Page, Generals, October 2014
Grand Fall Bazaar October 30 – November 2
Every year the Sun Lakes Women’s Association of the Sun Lakes communities works towards producing a huge bazaar which features many, many treasures, donated and collected year round, with the goal of raising money to support a number of local charities and to provide extra amenities for the participating communities. This year our collection of…
Generals, October 2014
Krafters annual bazaar

Sharon Slocum, Publicity The Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Krafters, 9248 E. Riggs Road, will be holding their annual bazaar on Saturday, November 8 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in Lindsay Hall. All items for sale are handmade by our wonderful members and many will be in the fall and winter colors that represent the coming…
Generals, October 2014
You are invited to the Marine Corps Ball

Denise Lott The birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps is approaching in November. In keeping with tradition, our East Valley Marine Corps Detachment is hosting its annual Birthday Ball. The Ball will be on Saturday, November 15 at the Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. The public is invited to enjoy the event and show…
Generals, October 2014
Cinema & Soundtracks II to feature great American films with Jerry Goldsmith scores
“Cinema and Soundtracks,” a series of informal seminars on American film and film music, will feature seven films from the 1960’s through the 1990’s with scores by Jerry Goldsmith. The films are Lilies of the Field (1963), A Patch of Blue (1965), The Sand Pebbles (1966), Planet of the Apes (1968), Chinatown (1973), Hoosiers (1986) and LA Confidential (1997). This the second…