Bill McCoy “Shoeless” Joe Jackson said, “If you build it, he will come.” Ten years ago, Steve Hilby stepped out of the Iowa cornfields and onto our Sun Lakes Field of Dreams. In the movie Field of Dreams, Archie said, “Sometimes we just don’t recognize life’s most significant moments when they’re happening.” That was one…
Category: December 2021
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
December Rotary Club

Rotarians Support The Perfect Place Day Services Mission Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Image Chair At a recent Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) meeting, Dr. Rose Saunders, The Perfect Place – Adult Day Services Executive Director, discussed how The Perfect Place provides a safe, structured environment for socialization, recreational (non-medical), and enrichment adult day…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Cheers Singles Club News

Ann Kisner Fall has come, and it’s almost gone. Thanksgiving will be over when you read this, and you will be rushing to get ready for the next holiday. Halloween was not as eventful this year. It seems the witches have lost their brooms. Hopefully, they will find them and return next year. We have…
Sports, December 2021
Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk The Holiday Luncheon will be held on Dec. 3, in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Our lunch is a choice of Chinese chicken salad or tuna croissant with fruit, and each served with dessert. Cash and other prizes will be awarded to the lucky winners in the raffle drawing, which highlights the…
Features, December 2021
Trick or Treat in Sun Lakes?

That’s right! On Friday, Oct. 29, a group of neighbors on Fairway Blvd. in SLCC provided a fun and, most importantly, safe environment for all their nieces, nephews, and grandkids to enjoy the trick or treat tradition. With parental supervision, the little ones walked down the street to receive all sorts of goodies, while being greeted…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Other Card Results
Sun Lakes Euchre 11/08. 1st Jerry Steffy, 2nd Etta Lakes, 3rd Jack Besch Tuesday Night Cribbage Jeff Scott Join us for cribbage every Tuesday night at 6:15 p.m., in the Cottonwood clubhouse, A-7 Painting Room. Games are organized by Stan Wengrzyn. October Scores: 10/05. 1st Rudy Gerstner 12+75, 2nd Pat Donahue 12+65, 3rd Richard Lewin…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Agavé Quilters Guild: New Members Welcome!

Debi Loofburrow The Agavé Quilters Guild met on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. After a brief business update, members shared their recent projects, and we collected holiday-themed placemats for our service project, in collaboration with Neighbors Who Care. Our guest speaker for November’s meeting was…
Religion, December 2021
7 Tips on How to Discuss Your Mental Health Issues with Others
Stan Popovich Do you struggle with your mental health and have a difficult time getting the people you know to be more understanding? In some cases, your colleagues might give you a hard time regarding your anxieties and depression. As a result, here are seven suggestions on how to deal with the people you know…
Generals, December 2021
Diana Perez Is Back

Rose Saunders Many people move to Sun Lakes because of the numerous activities, restaurants, and entertainment options provided in the community. Things we once enjoyed came to a screeching end during the pandemic. Now that vaccines are available to protect us, we can meet with friends for dinner and listen to music once again. Diana…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Bridge Results
Monday Evening Social Partnership Bridge 10/18. 1st Dick and Donna Briner, 2nd Bernie Ross and Dee Guthrie, 3rd Paul Budrick and Rosemary Shutts; Slam: Jeanette Newman and Jeannie Kitzman 10/25. 1st Bernie Ross and Dee Guthrie, 2nd Lori Scharbach and Karen Harnish, 3rd Nancy Smith and Janelle Gibson; Slam: Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach 11/01.…