Kim Kubsch How many times have you heard that a picture is worth a thousand words? But can you easily access the memories to showcase your most meaningful moments? How many photos are on your phone’s camera roll? To better organize your collection, set an editing date with your phone. Clear the unwanted or duplicate…
Category: December 2023
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
P.E.O. Founders Day Luncheon Set for January 20

Jan Prestin “P.E.O.s Bloom Where They’re Planted” is the theme of the Chandler-Sun Lakes Reciprocity P.E.O. Founders Day Luncheon. It will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20, in the ballroom at the Oakwood Country Club, 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd, Sun Lakes. Registration begins at 10.30 a.m., and lunch of Cobb salad and lemon blueberry dessert…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Fit and Fun Club
Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in Cottonwood Country Club Room A-7. The meeting is from 9:30 to 10:30…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Enough of the Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Enrollment Time!

The Holiday House Party was a first for the Fun Lakers, and everyone had a blast checking out all the ugly Christmas sweaters, exchanging White Elephant gifts, and dancing the night away with the Thaddeus Rose Band. We had a great dinner, and several guests won some fabulous gift baskets. Winners of the ugly sweater…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Desert Artists Club Welcomes a New Year

Sue Sindelar As surely as the sun rises brilliantly each morning, illuminating the newness of another day, we in the Desert Artists Club (DAC) are blessed to be celebrating a new year of possibilities. We are grateful for the opportunity to use our time and talents to enrich our lives and others with inspiration, hope,…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Sun Lakes Democrats to Focus on Climate and Candidates at January Meeting

Dwight Flatt, Roxy Banta, and Ellie Watland The Sun Lakes Democratic Club (SLDC) is starting off the new year with a variety of topics and speakers ranging from legislative updates and climate to candidates running for local, county, and statewide office. Candidates attending the Jan. 8 meeting in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Daughters of the American Revolution

Thank you to all in the Sun Lakes community who supported Gila Butte DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) at our Treasure Hunt Sales on Nov. 11 and 18. We made over $2,000. This money is used for educational awards, help for veterans, and other charitable projects. We have raised over $1,844 for Wreaths Across…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Cheers Social Group Activities
Cheers Trip Opportunities: With the recent holidays, most Cheers members who are traveling are visiting family or friends. We did have several members participate in Free Spirit’s Overnight Mystery Tour in November. It turned out to be an enjoyable trip to Palm Springs where among the activities included were the aerial tram, the Thursday evening Street…
Religion, January 2024
Health Goals for 2024
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church If you’re reading this article, that means that we made it through yet one more year. Hopefully, 2023 was a great year for you. I hope you had new experiences, made new memories, or learned something new this year. I also hope you are ready to go for…
Generals, January 2024
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the February edition is Jan. 12 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.