Kim Kubsch How many times have you heard that a picture is worth a thousand words? But can you easily access the memories to showcase your most meaningful moments? How many photos are on your phone’s camera roll? To better organize your collection, set an editing date with your phone. Clear the unwanted or duplicate…
Category: Features
Features, January 2024
In Passing – January 2024
January 2024, Features
Jacquie’s Corner: Are You Ready to Meet and Greet New Year 2024 and Your Friendships?

Jacqueline M. Ruffino-Platt I don’t know about some of my readers and friends if they are looking forward to another new year and ready to invite and accept the year 2024. For some of you, my readers have had a rather fun year traveling throughout our states and/or country. Meet new neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. Yet some…
Features, January 2024
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook The new year is a great time to do a personal inventory and compare the current reality with the desires in the heart. From that, resolutions are generated to improve, and often the greatest needs are about health. People want to take better care of themselves and have better relationships and be of…
Features, January 2024
Thank You, Friends

Sun Lakes Residents! Unit 36C (Diamond Lake) Your amazing support of AZCEND was once again over-the-top generous! Your overwhelming donations continue to help so many families. We hope you enjoyed attending the luminaries as our way of saying thank you for your support to our local food bank AZCEND. We will be announcing the grand…
Features, January 2024
Word of the Month: Pulse
David Zapatka David Wittenberg, fellow member of the Grammar Police Special Interest Group, wrote this in a recent post. “For most Indians, meat is not a staple. The majority of the Indian diet consists of grains, pulses, and vegetables. As a result, Indians don’t talk about meat the way Americans do. The terms ‘veg’ and…
Features, January 2024
Tough Pansy

Dannette Hunnel A “newbie” to Arizona is typically not accustomed to planting flowers outside in January. However, if you moved here for better weather, you might like the idea of gardening throughout the year. The very pretty and popular pansy is the best flower to plant during the desert’s winter months. Being non-toxic to pets,…
December 2023, Features
Word of the Month: Bildungsroman
David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow bridge player, Gayle Covey, writes, “This is a really favorite word; bildungsroman. My friend Judy taught me this word several years ago … and now it comes up all the time! All those YA (Young Adult) fiction writers, turning books into films … and, of course, it is the word describing…
December 2023, Features
May You Stretch
Dannette Hunnel It’s December and that magical, mystical time of each year. It’s not the lights, gifts, or the story of a miraculous birth that’s so magical. To me, the mystical part associated with December is our ability to miraculously S.T.R.E.T.C.H. We are able to stretch and expand time and money, but only during the…
December 2023, Features
Our Colorful Winter Standard

Dannette Hunnel Petunias are the standard winter flower here in metro Phoenix. Petunias are a cheerful, colorful plant with a light, pleasant scent. They are great in the ground, in pots, or as a hanging plant. Petunias are a vigorous, low-growing plant that spreads. Plant them from late October through mid-February. It takes no soil…