Summer softball is here

  Larry Wolfe Our second summer league began play in early May and will continue through September. We began playing “organized games” last summer with a three-team league. Due to heightened interest, this year, our Summer League has expanded to five teams and the number of games scheduled has been greatly expanded. Apparently, Sun Lakes…

Congratulations IWLN April award winners

  Nancy Davis, Publicity Birdie and Chip-in Winners: Our president, Denise Fleshner, hosted an absolutely wonderful and well-attended General Meeting and Brunch Awards Ceremony on April 11. Deb Burns presented the following awards: Birdies Winners: Georgeann Bell, Debbie Boynton-Greg, Deb Burns, Deborah Greenwood, Barbara Klemstine, Sandy Krediet, Linda Liberti, Denise Lott, Susan Meer, Vicki Mendenhall,…

Spanish, anyone?

  Dianne Zimmerman Join this fun, friendly and lively conversational Spanish group. We welcome Spanish speakers to participate each Wednesday from 4:15-5:30 p.m. in the Ocotillo Room of the Arts and Crafts building at Oakwood Country Club. We discuss a wide variety of topics in an informal setting and assist each other with grammar and…

Summer school with Sun Lakes Apple Computer Club

  Sue Schwartz If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with too many options, information and choices, it might be time to consider simplifying. It’s not how much information you store in the cloud, but how effectively it’s organized. “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” — Hans Hofmann…

At just the right time

  Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes A remarkable missionary by the name of Gladys Aylward served in China for more than 50 years. Forced to flee when the Japanese army invaded northern China, she took with her only one assistant and more than 100 orphans. It was a dangerous journey out…