Mastering the dog walk

  At Rover’s Rest Stop & Ranch, I sometimes walk about six to eight dogs at time. People are amazed by this, but it is not so complicated. The dogs see me as their “pack leader” and want to take direction from me. Here are six tips on how to master the walk. However, if…

Oakwood Nine Hole Couples Golf League

  Sandy Krediet January and February have been wonderful weather-wise this year, and the Oakwood Nine Holes Couples League is continuing with a strong season. We have enjoyed large turnouts for Friday afternoon golf, and our theme of “Fun, Food, Fellowship and Maybe a Little Golf” still holds true. On January 12, the Nine Hole…

2018 Winter Bridge Enrichment Series begins

  David Zapatka Diamond Life Master David Zapatka will once again be teaching advanced bridge lessons at the Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S. Alma School Road. There will be four lessons. Lesson dates are Friday mornings, will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. and end by 11:00 a.m., March 16 and 30 and April 6…