Sun Lakes Pitch & Putt event

Arlene Fletcher A great time was had by all at the Sun Lakes Pitch and Putt Course on March 15. Winning first place with a score of 22 was Unni Foster, Lorie DeNapoli, Janice Cosgrove and Rosemary King. Second place with a score of 23 was Judi Smith, Sheryl Mariotti, Judie Ringdahl and Rose Gallagher.…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Susan Gottschalk Monday Flight: 3/12. Sharon Darnell, Diana Laubenstein, Arlene Singer 3/19. Sharon Darnell, Diana Laubenstein, Pat Martin 3/26. Sharon Darnell, Susan Powell, Vickie Smith 4/02. (3-way tie) Mary Armour, Susan Gottschalk, Diana Laubenstein, Susan Powell and Lori Becker, Jean Cohen, Vickie Smith and Colleen Foley, Bea Hadsell, Pat Martin, Arlene Singer Holes-In-One: 1st Carol…

25th annual Rotary Golf Tournament highlights

The 25th annual Rotary Golf Tournament was held on March 11, 2018, at the Oakwood Golf Club. The winning team for the second consecutive year consisted of Frank Wiley, John Kiehl, Raul Disarufino and J.R. Herrick. A good time was had by all participants. The Rotary Club was very generous in rewarding a number of…

Wearing of the green pickle

Janet Myrick No, it’s the super fun IronOaks Pickleball Club having their St. Patrick’s Day Social. Never a dill moment with this group. There were three groups of five teams. Players randomly picked partners and played a round robin within their group. The winners in the Leprechauns group were Bobbie Reed and Jan Kristensen. Winners…

CLGA news & scores

Mary Nelson March 15 Select a Drive Results: 1st Rita Healy, Ellie Franklin, Sandy Eeds, 2nd Billie Seiberling, Joni Hiller, Gloria Combs, Gayle Forster, 3rd (tie) Terry Gaube, Diane Tenney, Noelle Friesen, Zara Logan and Mary Lu Esget, Cindy Ryan, Janet Quade, Lori Whitney March 22 and 29 CLGA Partners Tournament Results: Overall Champions Kathryn…

Oakwood Couples Golf Champions named

Mary Dyrseth The Oakwood Couples battled it out for the highly sought-after championship of the couples league on March 23. Mary and Bob Figgis won low gross in the championship flight for the second year in a row. Liz and Harry Pritchard took the honors for low net in the championship flight. Other winners were…