Sun Lakes Tennis Club holds annual spring fling

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club held its annual Spring Fling at the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo Room on March 14. Members enjoyed prime rib and all the fixings, with a great assortment of desserts following. The meeting that followed confirmed the new officers as Ed Campion, president; Dan Thorsen, vice president; Faye…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Verla Matuschka The Sun Lakes Lady Niners’ two golf tournaments were held in March and resulted in the following winners: Presidents Cup: 1st Rose Gallagher, 2nd Liz Tollefsen, 3rd Sonja White Club Championship: Overall Irene Anderson, Flight 1 no eligible winners, Flight 2 Jan Cobb, Flight 3 Faye Belt, Flight 4 Donna Sullivan New members…

ILGA news

Beth Smith Congratulations to E.J. Yoon, the 2018 ILGA Club Champion. E.J. had a three-week gross total score of 202. E.J. defended her title, as she was also the 2017 ILGA Club Champion. On April 5, 2018, ILGA raised a record amount of money for their 2018 Swing for Hope charity tournament benefiting the University…

Cotillion Dance Club has moved to Cottonwood

Rob Spade Larry and Jan Ott have been attending our dances for many years and have served the club as treasurers and board directors. Their service over the years has helped to make the Cotillion Dance Club events special and memorable! We are looking forward to their continued participation in the coming 2018/2019 dance season.…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association news

Results of recent events: Presidents Cup, February 10 – March 12, 2018: Dennis Chenier: Champion Member Guest, March 17-18, 2018: First Flight: 1st David and Chris Reap, 2nd Tom Kastelitz and Bill Chupp Second Flight: 1st Larry Frink and Dave Kuschel, 2nd Bill Moore and Jim Nedry Third Flight: 1st Bob Robinson and Jack Donasky,…

Lucky Shot Pool Club results

Gary Vacin Jerry Cisneros and Michael Dalsanders finished first in 9-Ball and 8-Ball tournaments, respectively, as the Lucky Shot Pool Club completed its spring tournament. The event included two 9-Ball and four 8-Ball pockets, with players competing in round-robin play. With their wins, Cisneros and Dalsaners qualified for the club’s year-end championship played late in…