New Horizons Writers’ Group

A Saturday Surprise Bob Hirt Ken Farrell called me early on a mid-November Saturday morning from the telephone he had in the cellar of his home in Java Village, in Wyoming County, New York. Back in those days, they were not called basements; they were called cellars, as in “fruit cellars,” places cold enough to…

Women’s Connection invites you to final brunch of the season

Susan Reynhout, Publicity Chairman Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming. What a great time for a girlfriend get-together. Invite them to join you on Thursday, May 10, in the Kingston Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club, Sun Lakes. You will share a delicious brunch, wonderful music, great program and time with good friends.…

Line Dancing with Judee

Judee Curtis We definitely will miss our dancers who were here for just a few months; however, the number of year-round residents has increased. That’s exciting. We dance through June, restarting in September. If new to Line Dancing, you may register now for the Ultra Basic Class restarting in September at SunBird in the ballroom…

Unity: Healing

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a loving and positive, supportive and health-minded Spiritual Community. Jesus is our teacher as well as other spiritual masters. We use affirmative prayer to make positive change in our lives. We meet on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the Arts and Crafts Room at SLCC. Rev.…

Spring cleaning?

Pastor Jean Newell, Associate Pastor at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church It�s that time of year again, isn�t it? Time for spring housecleaning! Now, a lot of people think that spring cleaning means just cleaning your home thoroughly, and while this is the case, it is also the case that you take the time to…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation news

Doris Codkind, Publicity The past few months have been filled with celebrations and commemorations. Services honoring our celebrated choir, Purim, Passover and Earth Day were joyous occasions. A somber service, with participating clergy from five Sun Lakes churches, commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day. The speakers were truly inspiring and the message very applicable to our current…