Sun Sounds of AZ director speaks to Breakfast Lions

Brian Curry When Andrea Pasquale, the director of Sun Sounds of Arizona, came to speak at the monthly meeting of the Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club, it would be fair to say that none of the members knew of her program which is a radio reading and information service for people who cannot read. “Lions…

Singles Dinner Club

Come one, come all to the Wednesday evening club for singles. We meet every week at 5:00 p.m. at the Palo Verde dining room for a sumptuous dinner and wonderful conversation with others in the same place in their lives. If Wednesday isn’t good for you, we also have a table for singles on Friday…

HLAA to meet May 10 in Ed Robson Library

Regina Milgroom For our final meeting of the season, Sun Lakes Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America will host a RAP Discussion concerning issues of Hearing Loss on Thursday, May 10, 2018, from 12:45-2:30 p.m. at the Ed Robson Branch Library, Lecky Center, 9330 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. Please join…

Sun Lakes Drum Circle

  Julia Norton I hope you enjoyed the lunar eclipse on January 31. It was spectacular around 6:15 a.m. That evening, the full moon energy was gathered at the Sun Lakes Drum Circle. Around 17 people shared their light energy to our intentions for Mother Earth, Health and a peaceful planet. The full moon was…

Conservation Corner

Recycling our disposable plastics Pauline Lee Have you ever considered how our daily lives revolve around disposable plastics? Each year, 400 million tons of plastic is produced. Of this quantity, 40% is for single-use applications such as packaging in the form of bottles, containers, bags and wraps. Although such packages allow us easy access to…