Roadrunners RV Club enjoys Benson, Arizona

  Pat Prekel, Secretary In February, for Valentine’s Day, a group of Roadrunners headed south to Benson, AZ, where they enjoyed a fun-filled weekend in spite of the rainy weather. The club was welcomed by the staff at the RV park where they enjoyed bingo on Friday night and a country vocalist and dance on…

Garden Club news

  Starla Kramer At the Sun Lakes Garden Club April 17 meeting, members and visitors will enjoy “The Art of Water” by Robin Fernald ( Robin Fernald is a biologist with an education in Cellular Molecular Biology and Environmental Studies from the University of Washington in Seattle. Robin has worked the last two decades in…

Rock, Gem and Silver Club news

  Doug Williams OK, so let’s pretend you were (maybe) just barely interested in the Rock, Gem and Silver Club, not that you would actually take a class and learn how to become a jewelry designer, but that you really are kind of interested in some very nice jewelry that you would wear and then…

“On the Road Again”

  Harry Huckemeyer Unbelievable, but it’s that time of the year again. Many of our friends and families have already left us to return to their summer getaways, while others are getting plans in motion to travel and enjoy whatever new experiences they may have in store for them that will fit into their plans.…

Oakwood Couples brave the cold

  Mary Dryseth Brrrrr! Baby, it was cold outside. The Oakwood Couples, at least most of them, braved the cold temperature and strong winds on February 24 to play their 18-hole game. Only three foursomes wimped out and did not finish, although many of us considered quitting frequently. Overheard at the bar après the game…