Annual Rotary Golf Tournament – March 11

  Norm Noble Six months of hard work will culminate on Sunday, March 11, when the Sun Lakes Rotary Club holds its 25th annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Oakwood Country Club. If you are reading about this for the first time, it’s probably too late to register and play. Chances are that all 45…

The Oakwood Couples Injured Reserves report and rumors

  Mary Dyrseth The Oakwood Couples welcomed back Robin Thomas. Robin no longer accessorizes her outfits with the fashionable black box and shoulder sling she has been sporting for weeks. This was supposedly to position her shoulder, following rotator cuff surgery. Rumor has it that she will soon be starring in a YouTube video entitled…

Lady Sluggers update

  Larry Wolfe The Lady Sluggers senior softball team wrapped up their season on February 28. The ladies want to thank the great, boisterous crowds who cheered them on at all their home games at the Field of Dreams. They’re also thankful for the support provided by members of the men’s league who prepared the…

Rotarian of the Month

  Dee Rasmussen Each month, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club selects a member who has stood out in his or her efforts to maintain our quality standards within the club. Colette McNally was chosen in February for her outstanding work as club secretary, faithfully keeping notes at all our meetings and our monthly board meetings.…

Democratic Club to meet March 12

  Dolly Loftin The Sun Lakes Democratic Club will meet on Monday, March 12, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Navajo Room, Sun Lakes Country Club, located at 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd N. The speaker will be Luis Heredia speaking on “The Power Structure of Arizona’s Right Wing Political Machine.” Luis Heredia is a…