Risen Savior 4th Annual Turkey Drive

On Sunday, November 12, the congregation of Risen Savior Lutheran Church will be donating frozen turkeys or checks to assist the Chandler Food Bank in helping less-fortunate families in our community prepare turkey dinners on Thanksgiving. Risen Savior is also inviting their neighbors in the Sun Lakes Community to once again join in sharing their…

Chordaires invites you to guest day

Sandy Bocynesky The Chordaires Chorus would like to invite all women who love to sing, have ever thought of singing with a group or are just interested in hearing their sound to join them at their guest day on Thursday, November 9, at 2:00 p.m. in the Mirror Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club.…

DAR rushes the season for Vets and Armed Forces

Left to right: Deborah Goodacre, Regent Lesley Baran, Marge Nelson, Nancy Cooney, Nancy Andrews, Sharon Jackley, Judy Putnam

Toni Bolling Lutter In preparation for the holidays, Gila Butte DAR is sponsoring two programs to remember and honor our U.S. Military. Wreaths Across America. Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, wreath-laying ceremonies are held throughout the nation in national cemeteries where U.S. veterans are buried. Gila Butte Chapter participates in these annual…

Oakwood Ballroom Dancing

Edie Gilbertsen Sign up for dance classes with Edie Gilbertsen in the Oakwood Mirror Room! The cost is $20 per single, or $40 per couple for four weeks of 45-minute classes. Please call to schedule! The choices include: four weeks of Wednesday Foxtrot classes from 3:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m., or Wednesday Swing classes from 4:15 p.m.-5:00…

Nature’s Thanksgiving

The Wave, by William Lewis

Ann Posiviata Our natural environment has created some truly mystical masterpieces, such as the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef and the Black Forest. Most of these extraordinary sites have taken years of mother nature’s time to create. Recently, someone documented some foreign blue substance left behind at the Wave. I would like to make…