Bridge Results

Cottonwood Ladies Bridge officers 2017-2018 (left to right): Treasurer Jeanette Newman, Vice President Dee Guthrie, President Gloria Danker and Secretary Karen Sanchez

Cottonwood Ladies Bridge 2017-2018 officers Cottonwood Ladies Bridge 7/12. 1st Jan Schroeder, 2nd June Heinz, 3rd Jean Womack; Hostesses: Kay Morrison and Karen Harnish 7/20. 1st Karen Harnish, 2nd Betty D. Smith, 3rd Jan Schroeder; Hostesses: Joan Koch and Betty D. Smith 7/27. 1st Naomi Parkes, 2nd Lily Poole, 3rd Barb Moul; Hostesses: Mary Tomlin…

Yoga is great for steadiness and clarity

Noell Hyman How is your sense of balance and steadiness these days? I just read a statistic on the AARP blog that 80% of people who practice yoga report having good balance. Of people who don’t practice yoga, only 64% feel their balance is good. People who practice yoga also report a greater sense of…

Word of the Month: Obdurate

David Zapatka Do you have any stubborn people in your life, possibly a relative, friend, co-worker or someone you have interaction with for various other reasons? Thanks to reader Kim Park, if you don’t already use this month’s word, you will have a new way to describe that behavior. Obdurate – adjective ob·du·rate ˈäb-də-rət, -dyə-; äb-ˈdu̇r-ət,…

Post 8053 Auxiliary announced 2017-2018 National Scholarship programs

Sandra Whittenberg Let’s get our students grades 6-12 excited about our country!! And competing for scholarship money, too! VFW Auxiliary offers three annual scholarship programs for students grades 6-12. Scholarship awards are available at the local, district, state and national VFW Auxiliary levels. The information given here is for students, teachers, parents, grandparents and anyone…

September at Ed Robson Library

Plan to join us in September for the following great programs! Tuesday, September 5, at 10:30 a.m. – HealthRHYTHMS Drumming Circle Drum circles are a positive community experience designed to enhance self-realization, reduce tension, anxiety and stress, result in a positive medical impact and release emotions. No experience necessary, and all instruments provided; age 18…