ILGA summer league winners

Left to right: Kathy Jones, Julie Curran, Penny Nowicki (all three from Palo Verde) and Ironwoods own Randi Rex

Marcella Brown, Publicity Chairperson Here is our lineup of excellent golfers who won the July Summer League played at Ironwood: Kathy Jones, Julie Curran, Penny Nowicki (all three from Palo Verde) and Ironwood’s own Randi Rex. All you members who are far and wide this time of the year, it’s time to think about finding…

GriefShare at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church

Trying to comfort someone grieving the passing of a loved one is difficult unless you’ve “walked a mile in their shoes” and experienced the grief and heartache of a loved one’s death. Beginning Wednesday, September 6, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, will host GriefShare, an…

Chordaires Chorus soon begins new season

Karen Sproates As a new season starts for the Chordaires Chorus of Sun Lakes, so does their search for women who love to sing. The Chordaires are a community of women united by love of singing four-part barbershop harmony, acapella style, and this will be their 38th season of being one of Sun Lakes’ prized…

Sun Lakes Animal Clinic changes ownership

Sun Lakes Animal Clinic has changed ownership. Dr. Ashley Greenway recently purchased the clinic after the previous owner, Dr. Walker, passed away. The clinic will continue to operate at the same location under a new name, Sun Lakes Chandler Animal Clinic. More information can be found at the clinic’s new website,

Cotillion Dance Club ready for new season

Keith and Lyn Kenner arrive at the November, 2016, Moon Dance Soiree

Rob Spade Among the new members who joined the Cotillion Dance Club last season were Keith and Lyn Kenner. Keith is a retired U.S. car manufacturer executive, and Lyn is a performing artist. You may recognize her as Lyn Jackson, the lead vocalist in the Lyn Jackson Ensemble. Lyn is from Chicago and began her…

Unit Happenings

Unit 11 Dorothy Thurman, Secretary/Treasurer The Sun Lakes Unit 11 Board of Directors will hold its next regular meeting on Wednesday, September 20, at 4:00 p.m. in the Ceramics Room at the Cottonwood clubhouse. All owners are invited to attend. The Unit 11 Ladies Coffee will be on Wednesday, September 20, at 8:00 a.m. in…