Pat Bracewell to speak March 26

Pat Bracewell

Andrea Hummel On March 26 at 11:00 a.m., Sun Lakes Friends of the Library is delighted to be hosting Patricia Bracewell, a novelist whose historical fiction has received rave reviews. Her first book, Shadow on the Crown, began the story of Emma of Normandy in what will be a trilogy. Book number two, The Price…

Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association January results

Larry Nelson, Ace of Aces Champion for 2015

Results of recent events: 1/03. Ace of Aces Championship – Morning: Overall Champion Larry Nelson; Flight 1: 1st Grady Anderson, 2nd Larry Frink, 3rd Terry Wilson; Flight 2: 1st Larry Nelson, 2nd Gene Kivi and Ken Pearson; Flight 3: 1st Chick Garifo, 2nd Julian Pickens and Earl Whiteman; Flight 4: 1st William Irwin, 2nd Bill…

Sun Lakes Putters results

Jo Bryant, Lady Putter’s Vice President. Jo is a longtime Cottonwood resident and Lady Putters member.

Susan Gottschalk The spring luncheon is March 27 in the San Tan Ballroom of Cottonwood. Monday Flight: 1/12. Best Ball: Shauna Duncan 1/19. Norine Bassett, Duncan, Diana Laubenstein and Carol Lorenz 1/26. Best Ball: Bassett 2/02. Best Ball: Duncan, Jan Foldenaur and Lynn Tulis Holes-In-One: 1st Pat Martin and Kathy Reis; 2nd Lori Becker; 3rd…

Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Show set for March 21

Don’t miss the Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association’s Spring Show and Sale on Saturday, March 21!

Diana Ellis The Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association’s annual Spring Show will be held on Saturday, March 21 with over 80 venders showcasing their unique handmade crafts and art work. The show will take place at the Oakwood Country Club, 9645 E. EJ Robson Blvd. from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Come early for the best…

Results for Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association

Jim Davis, Publicity January, for this edition, started out on the 10th of the month with the morning players participating in our annual Member/Member, two man team competition. It was a Flighted One Best Ball, Select-A-Drive format. The winning teams were Flight 1: Dean Hermanson and Jay Mays; Flight 2: Gary Zahnow and Norm Elbery;…