Twentieth Anniversary concert

Carol Hoepner If you enjoy upbeat choral music from a variety of singing groups please mark your calendar now to reserve March 1, 2015 at 3:00 pm. The 20th annual Sun Lakes Ecumenical Choral Festival is celebrating the achievement of two decades of concerts for the benefit of Neighbors Who Care. This year there will…

IMGA Golfer of the Month

John Concannon, Publicity The inaugural IMGA Golfer of the Month is none other than our outgoing president, Barry Ediss. Barry was born in Vancouver, B.C, several years ago and spent the first 33 years of his life living, learning and working there. Barry has always been active in sports playing soccer, slow pitch and rugby,…

MOGA in November

Charley Akin MOGA members participated in four Thursday events in November. With all Oakwood courses back in operation after winter grass seeding, all of the events were well attended. November 6 – Morning and afternoon sessions of ABCD Rainbow where teams alternated among three sets of tees. The morning round first place winners were Bob…

SLLN news

Verla Matuschka, Publicity At the January 13 monthly meeting, the Niners will receive their new yearbooks, which will include all the dates and times for Tuesday golf play plus dates of social events. There are several changes being made so you are urged to attend this meeting to receive the new yearbook and be an…