Writers’ Page – December 2014

The group meets every Tuesday at 1pm in room A8 in Cottonwood. Santa for Real Joe Schwab On a cold December day a few years back, my Wife and I bundled up, loaded the car with presents and headed over the river and through the woods to the town of Bend. We were going to…

Oakwood resident publishes fourth book

On 174th Street: The World of Willie Mittleman written by Oakwood resident Mel Weiser is now available on Amazon.com and Kindle. Pick up your copy today!

Mel Weiser, playwright, novelist, theater producer and director, and nine-year resident of Oakwood in Sun Lakes, has just published his fourth book, On 174th Street: The World of Willie Mittleman, available on Amazon.com and Kindle. His previously-published books include The Trespasser (Avon Books), Within the Web (Dell), and Nick Nolte – Caught in the Act (Momentum Books), which…

Water Aerobics in Cottonwood

Karen Hall Just a reminder: our Water Aerobic classes at Cottonwood Pool are Monday thru Saturday starting at 8:00 a.m. and are one hour long. Don’t hesitate to stop by the pool to see what our workout classes are all about. Just a reminder, there is no charge for our classes. Contact Barb Lubsen at…

CMGA upcoming events

December events: December 4 and 6 – Home in Home with Leisure World December 6 – Afternoon Individual Play Low Net/Low Gross December 13 – Morning and Afternoon: Ace of Aces Qualifier; last of 2014 – Quota Scoring December 19 Afternoon and December 20 Morning Member/Member December 20 – Afternoon Individual Play Low Gross/Low Net…

Roadrunners RV Club notice

Jan Skibo, Secretary The Roadrunners had their first two rallies with huge success. Members gathered at the Elks Club in Chula Vista, California and had a wonderful time visiting the San Diego area. The next rally was to Ft. McDowell for the Fountain Hills Art Festival, a little golf and a lot of fun. Our…

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Pictured left to right are Ticket Chairperson Gerry Lecky, Percussionist B. J. Van Noy, Choral Director Cris Evans, Performance Coordinator Bart Evans, and (in front row) Graphics Designer MJ Clement

Jan Ott Yes, Readers, we know this phrase is just a lovely dream when people live in Arizona, but isn’t this season of joy the perfect time for making wishes and having faith? Sun Lakes Chorale members have planned a special holiday concert and invite you and your family to hear this particular song and…