Dollars and Sense – December 2014

Editor’s Note: “Dollars and Sense” is a new column in the Sun Lakes Splash dedicated to financial issues. This column is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject of personal finances. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to…

Veterans Day Celebration

Sun Lakes celebrates Veteran’s Day!

Allan Levy, Publicity Director On Tuesday, November 11, Sun Lakes celebrated Veteran’s Day. The host was the Jewish War Veterans of Sun Lakes. Approximately 200 people attended. Jewish War Veterans Commander Ron Buckner opened the ceremonies by welcoming all the attendees. The speaker was Colonel Joe Abodeely, President of the Arizona Military Museum. He spoke…

Pulaski Club turns 75

Sun Lakes residents Rose and Dennis Pachura (center) receive an award for their continued support and services to the Pulaski Club.

The Phoenix Pulaski Club held their 75th anniversary on October 4 at their own club. The hall was decorated in red and white (these are Polish colors) table decorations with white streamers with three tier crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The colors are to keep the tradition alive and what we stand for. The…

Halloween Pet Parade winners

Picasso the dog dressed as Picasso the Painter

Sandi Bargioni and Judy Gahide Under sunny blue skies, Lake Diamond sparkled and the grounds were pristine for hosting the sixth annual Halloween Pet Parade. Dog tunes, such as Who Let the Dogs Out and How Much is that Doggie in the Window? made the festivities lively. There were numerous costumes deserving of a win and our…

Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club

The 2014 Fall Spaghetti Dinner was the best one ever!

Fred Giese Once again, the Sun Lakes community has come forth to make the 2014 Fall Spaghetti Dinner the best Fall Dinner ever. Over 440 dinners were served to a delighted crowd. There was also a raffle and silent auction with over 90 items for bid or raffle, the most ever. Thank you to all…