Out and about with the 60+ Club

Joann Ayers, Events Planner Are you 60 years of age or older? If yes, then this is the club for you. No more driving to entertainment events. Leave the driving to our bus drivers. They drop us right at the entrance. The 60 Plus Club was started many years ago and it is strictly a…

October Rotarian of the Month

October Rotarian of the Month Bill McCoach

Colette McNally Bill McCoach is another new member who joined Sun Lakes Rotary in February this year. But Bill is no newcomer to Rotary International. Bill served as Assistant District Governor, President and Sergeant-at-Arms in Cambridge, Ohio before joining our club. Bill got right to work taking on an important task as he guides us…

Sun Lakes Tennis Club news – December 2014

The ladies are pictured at play on their regularly scheduled Wednesday morning. All courts were filled and we were so happy to be playing with friends who have returned for the season!

Faye Haynes, Publicity The Wednesday night potluck dinner meeting which was held on November 12 was hosted by Denis White and Dan Thorsen. The club meeting was conducted by Mary Jane Robinson. On November 1 we were guests at the Cottonwood Tennis Club – a beautiful day, wonderful food and friendly competition. Cottonwood won 10-2.…

IMGA news – December 2014

John Concannon Publicity First of all, I want to thank the outgoing Board of Directors for the service to the Ironwood Men’s Golf Association during the past year. The Board members along with the dedicated chairmen have kept the association viable and enjoyable. Speaking of viability, Dan Jonker advised me that he has paid out…

Vinyasa Yoga at Cottonwood

Sheila Axtman Vinyasa is a flow style yoga; breathing as you move through a sequence of poses. It promotes relaxation as you build strength, endurance, and flexibility. Core strength and balance build as you practice. Practicing yoga is an effective way to keep strong and flexible for other activities such as golf, tennis, bicycling, hiking,…

Bobby Sox will soon be here!

Barbara Schwartz We are proud to announce that the group Bobby Sox will be performing at the Sun Lakes Country Club Arizona Room, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ. They will perform on December 7 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. The Arizona Room in the Clubhouse is the perfect place for this group, as…