Check Out – Check In – November 2014

Janet Mills Stuff Matters – Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Share Our Man-Made World by Mark Miodownik. Steel was the first metal that Miodownik discusses. For thousands of years, the making of steel was handed down as a craft. During the Stone Age metal was highly prized and copper and gold were the only two metals.…

Ambassadors to sing Sweet Salute 11/11

Enthusiastic Ambassadors pictured clockwise from left are Cathy Hanson, Chris Roen, Nancy Roberts, Patti Entwistle, Sue Elsner, Barbie Bergerson, Helen Wright, Vel Boardman, Sheri Hopkins and Kay Davis. Unavailable for photo is Director Beverly Borneman, Pat Puchniak, Cindi Decker, Linda Raphael, Kay Tymn and Gina Renner.

Patrice Reis This coming Veterans Day on Tuesday, November 11 The Ambassadors, the Sun Lakes Chordaires Show Chorus “mini-me” version, will sing their hearts out to honor all veterans at Sun Lakes Country Club, 2601 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., at 11:00 a.m. This free celebration, open to the public, will be held outdoors at the…

CLGA playday results

Tammy Visser, Sandy Worden, Joni Hiller and Nancy Gahn share a few moments of encouragement as they get ready to head out to their tee box.

Janet Quade Our Cottonwood Golf Course is looking very good after all of the rain. The Cottonwood women golfers were playing their very best during this month’s tournaments. Only one Thursday got rained out. 09/04. Cha-Cha-Cha is a game where one ball counts on Hole No. 1; two balls on Hole No. 2; three balls…

Play Ball!

“Iron Man” Core and “Nando” Kramer are happy that it’s time to “Play Ball” again. (Photo by El Lobo & Associates)

Larry Wolfe Our fall league got underway on Tuesday, October 28 and runs through December 18. Each of our six teams will play 10 doubleheaders (20 games) during the season. Each team is sponsored by a local business. Our team shirts feature the name and other information about the businesses on the backs of our…

Chess Club news – November 2014

Arthur Fink The Sun Lakes Chess Club invites you to join us, whether you are a beginner or a grand master chess player. We meet every Saturday from 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. in the Oakwood Clubhouse Greenbriar C Room. Come early or come late; you are always welcome. There are no dues or membership fees. For…