Hikers Welcome Cooler Weather

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club November was the start of our hiking season, and you could feel the enthusiasm in the air both at our Welcome Back picnic and on the trails. The weather turned cooler, and our club members were ready to hike! We had an excellent turnout at our Welcome Back picnic.…

Sun Lakes Chorale Holiday Concert Nears

Yvonne Orlich Here we are, approaching the holiday season. It seems it was just 110 degrees outside, and now we are preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. As always, the Chorale is working hard to fine-tune all the music pieces for the concert on Dec. 12. We have a great lineup of songs, new and old…

Christmas All Year

F. David Rolf Have you noticed that wonderful feeling floating all around the air? The people seem so friendly and you see smiles everywhere Your neighbor seems so cordial All your friends now stay in touch There must be a simple reason everything has changed so much The checkers at the grocery even smile and…