Meet a Winner

Jan Bobbett As is the case every year, there was a good turnout for the Sun Lakes 1 Open House, which gives us all a chance to meet people and sample an array of regularly scheduled events that take place during the year. Most have been available to all Sun Lakers for years. As always,…

What Are the Benefits of Improv?

Every Monday morning, The ImproVables comedy improv troupe of Sun Lakes Community Theatre meets in a classroom at Cottonwood to practice their improv skills. “We work on our improv skills, such as listening and being in the moment,” states Phyllis Novy, director of The ImproVables. “Not only that, but we laugh for two hours. It…

Daisies in December

Dannette Hunnel Looking for something bright, cheery, and unique to plant this winter? Try the euryops plant. This non-invasive perennial is often available at The Home Depot, Lowe’s, and many Valley nurseries. The price is about $9 for a 2.5-quart-size plant. Pronounced YOU-ree-ops and meaning “large eye,” the euryops plant is also known as the…