CMGA Tournament results

Results of recent tournaments: October 3 – Cottonwood Palo Verde Beat the Pro/Super October 5-18 – Driving range closed October 12-November 2 – Cottonwood closed Upcoming Events: December 3 and December 5 – Home and Home with Leisure World December 12 – Ace of Aces Qualifier December 19 – Cha Cha Cha December 26 –…

CMGA news and scores

Results of recent events: 9/05. Morning: Ace of Aces Qualifier – Flight 1: 1st Net Gary Hunnel, Bob Schaedel, Gary Whiting and Tony Hames; Flight 2: 1st Net Julian Pickens, 2nd Willian Greer and Neil Lilley; Flight 3: 1st Net Bill Jablonske, 2nd Brad Wilson; Flight 1: 1st Gross Ed Frees, 2nd Tom Wilheim; Flight…

History of Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association

Since its inception in 1980, the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) has stayed true to its founding purpose of promoting the interest of men’s golf and fostering sportsmanship among all members. In that time over 30 members have served as president of the association. These men are 1980 Frank Bartle, 1981 Caryle Emery, 1982 Jack…

CMGA news

Results of recent events: 7/04. Red-White-Blue Scramble – 1st place team (tie) Tony Hames, Chick Garifo, Dick Johnson and Terence Cronin; Larry Frink, Ron Sarnicki, Neil Lilley and Jim Rahilly, 3rd place team Hank Clausen, Rick Nelson, Joe Ficek and Philip Lucas Thank you to the CMGA board for providing pizza at the patio party.…

CMGA playday results

Results of recent events: 6/06. Ace of Aces qualifying – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Richard Haug, 2nd Bob Schaedel, Stan Mohoric and Bill Moore; Net: 1st Richard Haug, 2nd Bob Schaedel, 3rd Bill Moore; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Dennis Bockelman, 2nd Dean Hermanson, 3rd Steve Martz; Net: 1st Dennis Bockelman, 2nd Steve Martz, 3rd Dean…

CMGA elects new officers

Les Blaylock, President of CMGA

Les Blaylock, the new president of the CMGA, held his first board meeting on June 15 and announced many new and exciting events of things to come for the men of Cottonwood. One of the biggest changes is that the board meetings will be held in the evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in order to give…

CMGA results and news

Results of recent events: 4/04. Morning – Ace of Aces qualifying – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Paul Brauer, 2nd Jerry Davis, 3rd Cliff Mattson; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Gary Seletic and Rich Sparks, 3rd Don Klein; Flight 3 Gross: 1st Phil Carlson, 2nd Jack Wortley, 3rd Tom Mcleod; Flight 4 Gross: 1st John Beard, 2nd…

CMGA play day results

Results of recent events: 3/07. Ace of Aces – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Paul Brauer, 2nd Cliff Mattson, Jay Mays and William Moore; Net: 1st Dan Paxton, 2nd William Moore; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Ken Pearson, 2nd Robert Walk; Net: 1st Robert Walk, Jerry Cisneros and Hank Clausen; Flight 3 Gross: 1st Jim Czaja, 2nd…

CMGA news

Mark Higgs

Results of recent events: 2/07. Morning Ace of Aces Qualifier – Flight 1: Gross 1st Fred Smith, 2nd Ed Frees and Barry Adams; Net 1st Bill Moore, 2nd Terry Denefe and James Werlinger; Flight 2: Gross 1st Rick Smith, 2nd Dan Paxton, 3rd Larry Mullins; Net 1st Ken Pearson, 2nd Gene Kivi, 3rd Larry Nelson;…

CMGA posts play day results

These are the winners of the Member/Member Tournament (left to right) Don Klein, Bill Moore, Ken Pearson, Dale Collings, Stan Gross and Arny Pinsly (not shown).

Results of recent events: 12/04 and 12/06. Home and Home with Leisure World – this tournament was cancelled due to flooding. 12/06. Afternoon Individual Play Low Net/Low Gross – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Jay Mays; Net: 1st net Stan Mohoric; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Larry Mullins, 2nd Dennis Bockelman, 3rd Hank Clausen; Net: 1st Steve…