Tag: Cottonwood Lady Niners

Cottonwood Lady Niners incognito!

Lorri Morgan, Publicity The Cottonwood Niners’ Member Guest on March 14 was Serious! Serious fun, that is. One hundred forty-four participants enjoyed luncheon and golf with the theme of Clowning Around the Course. We had gift baskets and auctions and door prizes and surprises, beautiful weather and Fun. We also had a purpose; we raised…

Cottonwood Lady Niners updates

Lorri Morgan, Publicity April already?! Well, not as I write this article, due to cutoff dates for publishing in the Splash. Spring showers resulted in three of our Thursday play dates to be canceled, but our event of the year (hopefully) had beautiful weather. The Niners’ Member/Guest held on March 14 took months of preparation…

Cottonwood Lady Niners news and reviews

Eden Carter and Christine Lecoutre

Lorri Morgan, Publicity We are so proud of our own team of Eden Carter, Low Gross, and Christine Lecoutre, Low Net, taking All Around Title of the 2018 State Medallion. Twenty-two teams competed at PebbleCreek on January 5. Eden and Christine in Flight One scored a combined 72, beating the second-place team by six strokes!…

Cottonwood Lady Niners

Lorri Morgan, Publicity As if we didn’t have enough fun on our own course every week, the CW Niners’ also get invited to play with other Niner clubs in the Valley. The first one coming up this year will be at PebbleCreek, another beautiful Robson community. We have also played at Ironwood and Oakwood and…

Cottonwood Lady Niners playday results

Lorri Morgan, Publicity Two months into our new season, and already two luncheons! December 6 was our Christmas feast with beautiful decorations and fabulous food supplied by Cottonwood Bar & Grill. Santa couldn’t make it, but he sent Mrs. Claus and a large elf to greet the Niners. The weather didn’t cooperate, with wet stuff…

Ladies, start your engines!

The Cottonwood Lady Niners’ were off to another great year. November 1 was first day of play with fabulous weather supplied by Mother Nature, especially for us. That’s our story… With only some of the Snow Birds back to join the Stay Birds, we still had 17 new members! The word is out that we…

Cottonwood Lady Niners are at the starting gate

Lorri Morgan, Publicity November 1 is the first day of play for the 2018-2019 season. It is never too late to join the fun, but the sooner the better with the special price of $350 ($375 for Phase 1 and Phase 3) for every Thursday play date through the end of May. Cottonwood Palo Verde…

Cottonwood Lady Niners ready to go

Lorri Morgan, Publicity November 1 is just around the corner, and we can’t wait. Thursday, November 1, at 12:30 p.m. will be our first day of play. But don’t wait – get your application at the Pro Shop, fill it out and cough up the $60 for the Niners’. This applies to old members and…

End of season for Cottonwood Lady Niners

  Lorri Morgan, Publicity Another fun season for the Cottonwood Lady Niners is coming to an end. April 12 was our Farewell Luncheon, held just before a lot of the snowbirds took flight. Along with a great lunch and lots of socializing, awards for the golf season were announced. Eden Carter presented Cathy Sullivan with…

Cottonwood Lady Niners news

Lorri Morgan Cottonwood Lady Niners got a surprise visit from Santa Claus at the 10th hole (CW bar) on December 21 after a very cold afternoon of golf. Our own member Betty Lansing was there proving golf is for a lifetime, playing into her ninth decade! More proof of golf’s popularity, our membership has grown…