Yvonne Orlich The Chorale wishes everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. Let’s hope 2024 is a good year for all. With the holidays behind us, the Chorale gathers again to begin rehearsing new music for the upcoming March 14 Spring Concert. We are hoping everyone is recovered from various winter ailments like COVID-19, RSV,…
Tag: events
February 2024, Generals
Join the Chordaires Show Chorus for Some Crooning and Swooning!

Gretchen Ohlgart To find a great place for some toe tapping and head bobbing, look no further than the Chordaires Show Chorus spring spectacular. Now in our 42nd year, the Chordaires are preparing our vocal instruments, memorizing our music, and limbering up for some smooth moves in our show “A Salute to the Music Men.” We…
February 2024, Generals
Did You Know that Falls Can Be Prevented?
Join us on Thursday, Feb. 8, from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, in Sun Lakes, when we welcome Elton Bordenave, PhD, MEd. Dr. Bordenave is the director of the Center for Resilience in Aging at A.T. Still University. Dr. Bordenave will inform us about the risk factors…
February 2024, Generals
State Parties – February 2024
Dakotas ‘Round Up’ Party March 7 Steve Perkins It’s your last chance to get registered for the fun-filled Dakota Party. North Dakotans and South Dakotans and friends from Sun Lakes, SunBird, and surrounding areas are all invited to the annual Dakotas Party held Thursday, March 7, at the Sun Lakes Cottonwood Country Club San Tan…
February 2024, Generals
Variety Is Art at the Lakes

Diane Hitt Need jewelry for a new outfit, occasion, or gift? We have necklaces, bracelets, and earrings with every stone imaginable. Do you need items for your home or patio? We have wood pieces with copper accents, gourds, sculptures, and more. We have handmade tote bags, table covers, specialty purses, and handmade pottery for décor…
February 2024, Generals
Grief Recovery and Support
Rev. Judy Wismar Claycomb “Through Loss to Life” is an eight-week series for grief recovery and support offered by Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (9248 E. Riggs Road) on Tuesday afternoons, beginning March 12, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Associate Pastor Judy Wismar Claycomb will facilitate the classes, which will meet in Room 4 of…
February 2024, Features
Dollars and Sense: Why Typical Tax-Savings Strategies Are Weak!
Dr. Harold Wong If you were a highly-paid person today, the CPA field basically gives three suggestions. Let’s examine why these strategies don’t achieve big tax-savings. Buy a Bigger Primary House with a Bigger Mortgage. You can’t deduct interest on a mortgage loan bigger than $750,000. Today’s price of homes is much greater than five years…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
Cheers Social Group Activities

Cheers Trip Opportunities: The State Department has indicated that the length of time to renew or get a new passport has decreased; however, processing still may take several months. Check the expiration date on your passport and other documents. Most countries require your passport at the end of your trip to have at least six months…
February 2024, Clubs & Classes
Fun Was Had by All at Last Year’s A.A.A.S.L. Christmas Gala

It was a sold-out Christmas event at the 2023 Gala given by the African American Association of Sun Lakes (A.A.A.S.L.). It was held at the Palo Verde restaurant with entertainment by Sam Rogers Blues Expedition Band who had the guests on their feet all night long dancing. Guests fell in love with Renee Rice with…
February 2024, Generals
Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse Blood Drive February 11
Bill Shedd The Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse and the American Red Cross will be hosting a Blood Drive on Sunday, Feb. 11, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you would like to donate, go to our website, sunlakesposse.org, scroll down to Upcoming Events, and click on “Here” for more information and to pre-register. The…