Tag: golf

Results for Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association

Jim Davis, Publicity January, for this edition, started out on the 10th of the month with the morning players participating in our annual Member/Member, two man team competition. It was a Flighted One Best Ball, Select-A-Drive format. The winning teams were Flight 1: Dean Hermanson and Jay Mays; Flight 2: Gary Zahnow and Norm Elbery;…

2015 OLGA charity event summary

Vice President Anne Annis presents check for $2,655 to Jaxston “Jax” Kyle of St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance on January 20, 2015.

Anne Annis, Charity Event Chair The Charity selected for this year’s event was St. Mary’s Food Bank. We had a full field for golf with 18 teams. We played the Sonoran/Lakes course and the game was a team game of Criss Cross using two low net balls from the team on each hole and selecting…

IMGA news and events – March 2015

Mike Woldt with John Davis, Tournament Chair and Bill Beltz, IMGA President

John Concannon, Publicity The main focus this month is on one of the premier events of our year, The Ironwood Cup Tournament. The overall winner is Mike Woldt. He also won the 1st flight with a total three day score of 177 followed by Bill Beltz (181) and Mark Saylor (185). Flight 2 was won…

PVLGA news and views

Janet Baron Publicity Chairman Congratulations to our East Valley Executive Travel League placing first in the 2014-2015 season; they were challenged by the following participating leagues: Ironwood, Sun Lakes, SunBird, Sunland Village and Fountain of the Sun. Great golfing ladies! 1/06. Pro’s Choice of Nine; we all hoped (with every good hole we played) it…

OLGA-18 March news

Oakwood’s 2015 traveling team (left to right) back row: R. Rees, J. Knutson, J. Johnson, B. Dinardo, L. Meisinger, L. Blair, I. Pattie, R. Hoiby and BJ Schuller; (left to right) front row: A. Annis, R. Mabry, K. Jensen, K. Kaiser, C. Russell, Co-Captain S. Bowditch and S. Raach

Glo Malmberg, Publicity OLGA is very proud of its traveling team. Nearly half way through the East Valley Team Play season, our Oakwood Team is leading in both gross and net competitions. Congratulations gals. We are all rooting for you to continue your impressive play and to bring home the trophy! St. Mary’s Food Bank…

Cottonwood Lady Niners win State Medallion

Cottonwood Lady Niners’ State Medallion winners received crystal vases and a traveling trophy January 19. Pictured from left are Kelly Hollister, AWGA Governing Board; Bill Todd, Director of Maintenance; Lynn Tanner, Co-Medallion winner; Desmond Dakin, Head Golf Professional; Jan Lien, Co-Medallion winner; and Julie Penn, AWGA Governing Board.

Lila Ritchie Sun Lakes – Cottonwood’s Lady Niners golfing duo Lynn Tanner and Jan Lien topped a field of 254 golfers in the Arizona Women’s Golf Association’s annual State Medallion tournament. It was held January 7 at Ocotillo Golf course. A ceremony January 29 at Cottonwood honored Tanner and Lien with AWGA reps Julie Penn…

Sun Lakes Niners news

Verla Matuschka, Publicity Welcome to our recent new members Debbie Beausejour, Ruth Gregg and Bernadette Haar. It is great to add new names to our membership list. We hope you enjoy playing with the Niners and participating in our social activities. If you have any questions, we have a great Big Sister who will provide…

Oakwood 9-hole Couples League

The Oakwood Nine Hole Couples League has as its motto: Fellowship, good food and drink and by the way golf. Our goal is to have a good time every other week. Our last event was Friday, January 30. Although our President invoked an executive order for the rain and cold to cease and desist, his…

Niners January 2015 results

Welcome to the New Year. The new golf clubs are still shiny and hold the promise of many pars and a few birdies this year. So, let’s tee it up and play ready golf in 2015. The Niners 2014 Championship Tournament was played on January 8 and 15. The playing conditions were chilly and breezy,…