Tag: golf

Oakwood Lady Niners News and Events

Reggie Wegman Congratulations to all the ladies who played the Welcome Back Scramble and attended the luncheon. There were three teams that tied for first place! Cora Levenski was closest to the pin on hole number 2 Lakes. Remember to check your chit account at the clubhouse. Chits must be spent in the year earned.…

Niners’ October Playday Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity A hearty “Welcome Back” to all our winter golfers. And a big Niners welcome to new members Joe D’Amore and Steve Moody, and returning member Bruce McCorkle. We hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. The board and committee members of the Niners want to wish each of…

OLGA Returns to the Course

Nov. 9 was the first POD for the Oakwood Ladies Golf Association (OLGA) after overseeding. The game was played from 150 yards. We were very happy to have most of our winter visitors playing in the event. In Flight 1, the winner was Joan Hammond, second place Dang Teater, third place Eun Yoon, and fourth…

Cottonwood Lady Niners News

The Cottonwood Lady Niners kicked off their new season with a Welcome Back Breakfast on Nov. 11, followed by a shotgun Scramble. With approximately 125 members, including 18 new members, they are looking forward to another fun season, including the Turkey Toss on Nov. 18, and the Christmas Hat Contest on Dec. 9 with free…


Mary Nelson Nov. 2 Fewest Putts Results Flight 1: 1st Nancy Hermanson, 2nd Mary Fitzke, 3rd (tie) Mary Nelson and Joan Irwin; Flight 2: 1st Diane Tenney, 2nd Jan Stuckey, 3rd Diane Kruse; Flight 3: 1st Susan Lamb, 2nd Diana Ridd, 3rd Teresa Roark; Flight 4: 1st Dolores Mahaffey, 2nd (tie) Marcia Smith and Alice…

CWLGA Kicks Off New Season

Nov. 4 saw the kickoff of a hopeful and enthusiastic new season of golf for the ladies of Cottonwood—hopeful that the effects of the pandemic are largely behind us, and enthusiastic about enjoying a favorite pastime and meeting new friends. Results of our team game are not posted as of this writing, but many are…

Ironwood Ladies Golf Association Membership Drive

Lois Foerster The Ironwood 18-Hole Ladies Golf League (ILGA) is holding a membership drive on Thursday, Dec. 9. If you are considering joining a ladies golf league, we are inviting you to come play with us on that day. It is a great opportunity to try our course, meet new people, and find out what…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association News

If you are new to the community or would like to spend some time on the golf course, why not join the Men’s Oakwood Golf Association (MOGA)? Our Thursday games are a good way to meet some new friends. You don’t have to be a resident of IronOaks to join our group. We have over…

IMGA November Golfers of the Month—Our Veterans

Thank you, Ironwood Men’s Golf Association (IMGA) Veterans, for your service to our country! Included are stories Veterans shared about their experience. Bob Royer: A pilot in the U.S. Air Force, Bob flew several different aircraft. He spent 1968 in Vietnam, flying 215 combat missions in the EC-47, electronic reconnaissance aircraft. This two-engine, propellor-driven aircraft…

Niners September Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The overseeding of the Oakwood courses will begin soon. The mornings are getting cooler, and some winter golfers are back. Check the play schedule for future dates and games. Let’s welcome our two new members: Mike Partridge and Dan Halloran. Nice to have you in the league, guys. 9/2/21 Team Stableford Sonoran: 1st…