Tag: golf

Sun Lakes Lady Putters News and Scores

Susan Gottschalk The annual holiday luncheon was held on Dec. 1 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Thank you to the catering staff and servers for the delicious lunch. Eight table teams played a ‘70s trivia game, and the winners were given a fun rhinestone ball marker. Installation of officers for the 2023–24 season…

Niners November Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Welcome back to our winter golfers who are arriving daily. Our Thursday field is topping 50 once again. The executive board and chairmen of the Niners extend their best wishes to all the members and their families for a happy and healthy new year. Membership. The membership list of the Niners is…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Dottie Wodraska The new season of league play for the Sun Lakes Lady Niners (SLLN) is well underway. The Sun Lakes Lady Niners is a fun group of ladies of all ages and golfing abilities, from beginners to more advanced levels of play. A different game is played each week based on handicap to provide…

Oakwood Lady Niners News

At the Oakwood Lady Niners Christmas Luncheon, Pam Matassarin, our current president, installed the officers for 2024: Karen Graves, president; Sue Boucher, vice president; Nancy Hooke, treasurer; and Chris Berney, secretary. Thank you, ladies, and good luck. I am sure all our members will be very supportive and help you in any way they can.…


Bruce Pape, MOGA Club Champion Bruce grew up in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. His career started in software systems, later transitioned to HR, and he eventually was VP compensation and HR systems for an organization with $11.5 billion in sales and 47,000 employees before retiring in October of 2010. Bruce has won eight Club…

Ironwood Lady Niners

Maggie McLeod As the temperatures are cooling down as we head into December and with no more worries of having to play “cart path only” golf, we look forward to the return of all our Northern friends and teammates back to the land of sunshine. On Nov. 8 there was a general meeting at Grill…


Susan Lamb Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) celebrated the return of former and new members with a Fall Scramble, lunch, and business meeting on Oct. 24. We were very careful and filled our divots with sand, as the course had just opened the day before after overseeding. Palo Verde is beautiful, so thank you…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken The new season is underway for the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA)! The first play date in November welcomed new and old members for a friendly scramble and a large number of members for “a sip and a bite” on the Cottonwood patio after the game. If you haven’t added the “afterglow” to…

Oakwood Lady Niners Golf League

Reggie Wegman Karen Graves moved to IronOaks two years ago from South Carolina, her first retirement home. Karen was a longtime employee of the Sears Corporation in Chicago. They decided to move to IronOaks to be closer to her family. The Graves have six grandchildren ranging in age from 6 to 22. They picked our…