Tag: golf

IMGA news and events

John Concannon, Publicity I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year. As we enter 2017, the IMGA scheduled special events are rushing toward us starting with the 2016 Awards luncheon on January 11. It will start at 11:30 a.m. in the Ironwood Clubhouse.…

PVLGA news and views

Janet Baron Publicity Chairman 12/01. The participants in the Low Gross play enjoyed another beautiful day in Arizona. The results are as follows – Flight 1: Tracy Rice, Mary Nelson and Kathryn Campbell; Flight 2: Joan Seckles, Jo Crook and Pat Mcroberts; Flight 3: Nancy Gelbach, Sandy Chavez and Noella Bannister It’s over at last!…

OLGA news and scores

Ruth Rees, Publicity The OLGA ladies have started the after over seeding season with great enthusiasm. After the first play day in November, we had a pizza party. One aspect was to catch up on our lives during the past months. At the business meeting, we heard the recommended changes to the Constitution, Bylaws and…

OLGA news

Ruth Rees, Publicity While the rest of us were sweltering in the late summer heat of the Valley, one of OLGA’S finest, Kathy Burns, was swinging her clubs in the high country with great success. She won the AWGA State Senior Championship in her flight, placing first for low net. Great news, Kathy, and well…

IMGA Personality of the Month

Eddy Renio

John Concannon, Publicity In a departure from the norm, I would like to feature not a playing member, but a person who has been an important part of Ironwood Golf Club’s success and a strong supporter of IMGA, Eddy Renio. Eddy was born in Augusta, Georgia, the last of 10 children. Because his father was…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Recently the Lady Putters met for their Christmas luncheon and the flight leaders were recognized for their leadership. They are (left to right) Marcia Gaudioso and Marg Pippit, Thursday; Carol Wenger, Wednesday; Marge Duggan, Tuesday Oakwood, Dianne Burns, Tuesday; Camille Jasien, Monday; and Monica Lovrien, Tuesday. Also, prizes were awarded through raffle drawings which serves as our organization’s fundraiser for local charities.

Susan Gottschalk Monday Flight 11/14. Best Ball: Bonnie Kane 11/21. Best Ball: Norma Marsh and Terry Sporleder 11/28. Sharon Darnell, Bea Hadsell and Camille Jasien 12/05. Norma Marsh and Vickie Smith Holes-In-One: 1st Bea Hadsell, Jackie Jones, Jean Cohen, Colleen Foley, Linda Meylink, Helen Richardson, Irene Brown, Jan Foldenaur, Bonnie Kane and Karen Rosenquist; 2nd…

PVMGA – November 2016 results

Bob Armstrong, Publicity Here we are in the midst of the holidays and the omnipresent Bowl Games! We hope and trust that everyone enjoyed the true spirit of Christmas and we wish us all a very happy New Year! The 2016/2017 season is now well underway and we have the following results to report: On…

Oakwood 9-Hole Couples League

Sandy Krediet Oakwood Nine Holes Couples League began their season on November 11 by playing a 3-2-1 game format on the Palms. A fun afternoon of golf was enjoyed by all followed by dinner and fellowship. The league welcomed 12 new couples this year and we had a record number of participants for our first…

SLLGA new sand scores

Betty Desrochers June 7, 1936-November 24, 2016

Nancy Field Betty Desrochers passed away on Thanksgiving Day. Betty was a big part of the 18 Holers Golf League for many years. She was a big part of the traveling team and brought home the trophy for years. She will be missed. Fewest Putts Flight 1: 1st Karen Kolis, 2nd (tie) Christine Schultz, Julie…