Tag: golf

Cottonwood Lady Niners’ Member-Guest benefits Fire Dept.

Winning team - Eden Carter, left, and Rachelle Wilson won second place in the 2015 Arizona Women’s Golf Association’s State Medallion tournament January 17 played at PebbleCreek Golf Resort. Their score of 76 placed third overall with the annual tournament attracting entries from throughout the state.

Lila Ritchie More than nine of every 10 calls received daily, averaged by the Sun Lakes Fire Department, are for medical emergencies. Totaling 3,500 calls annually, only about 150 responses are for fires. Currently, the Fire Department is offering a medical flash drive program to improve the efficiency of medical care received by patients. Chosen…

18-Hole Couples Golf League

Carole Schmidt If you are interested in joining a great group of people to play couples golf, consider joining Oakwood Couples 18 Hole Golf League. Our goal is to play golf, have fun and meet new people! You do not have to live in IronOaks or Sun Lakes to be a member. We generally play…

Sun Lakes Women’s Association

Jacqueline Ruffino-Platt Our gracious ladies of the Sun Lakes Women’s Association are at it again. The are keeping busy with the upcoming golf tournament and a mini bazaar not far behind. The date for the golf tournament is March 6 at Palo Verde Country Club. Get your team together, play and have fun. Contact Diane…

Oakwood 9 Hole Couples League news

Louis Giallonardo The Oakwood 9 Hole Couples League has a rich history at Oakwood with some members playing for more than 15 years in our league. Our driving theme is fun, fellowship, good food and drink, and, by the way, golf. As a result of our philosophy, many spouses experience their first golfing experience with…

It’s coming – the Annual Rotary Golf Tournament

Norm Noble In a month, on Sunday, April 3, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will hold its 23rd annual Invitational Charity Golf Tournament at the Oakwood Country Club. This tournament represents the club’s major fundraiser of each year, allowing it to support numerous charities in Chandler and around the world; 100 percent of the net…

CLGA news and scores

Our 2017 Match Play Champions are from left to right: Flt 6 Rose Hames, Flt 7 Gloria Combs, Flt 1 Paddy Newton, Flt 4 Joni Hiller, Flt 2 Billie Seiberling, Flt 5 Sherri Butler and Flt 3 Terry Gaube.

Results of the January 5 Assigned Holes Ream Event are the following 1st Paddy Newton, Joan Irwin, Rose Hames and Connie Gray; 2nd Nancy Howell, Trudy Houghton, Gloria Combs and Christy Thomas; 3rd Mikki Rydell, Terry Tyler, Carolyn Agre and Joann Hegel. Results of the 2017 Match Play Tournament on January 12, 19 and 26…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters news and scores

Attending the Lady Putter’s Christmas lunch are (left to right) Merrilee Richardson, Carol Leavitt and Dianna Milkint; standing is Lynda Fallenberg.

Susan Gottschalk Mark your calendars for the spring luncheon scheduled for Friday, April 1. Details coming later from your flight leaders. Rain and unusually cold temperatures prevented play on several days this month; hopefully warm weather and sunshine are here to stay. Monday Flight 12/07. Best Ball – Susan Powell 12/14. Rain 12/21. Best Ball…

ILGA February newsletter

Our 2015 President, Karen Beltz, welcomes Betty Schechter to her 2016 Presidency.

Marcella Brown, Publicity As we get into the nitty gritty of the 2016 golf season, it is worth noting the several lessons and clinics that have been made available to us throughout the next few months by the Oakwood Pro Shop. Class sizes are limited so contact them early. A check is your confirmation. ILGA’s…

PVMGA December results

Celebrating the season on December 17 were golfers (from left) Betty Ennis, Lorrie Morgan and Diana DePree of the Cottonwood Lady Niners.

Jim Davis, Publicity For this publication, the month of December started out on the 12th with a two-man scramble, flighted, followed by lunch and our annual meeting. The winners of the event were as follows: 1st flight, Tony Hames and Larry Guild with a 46 and 2nd flight, Terry Cronin and Bill Davis with a…

Cottonwood Lady Niners open website

Celebrating the season on December 17 were golfers (from left) Betty Ennis, Lorrie Morgan and Diana DePree of the Cottonwood Lady Niners.

Lila Ritchie Details of a new Cottonwood Lady Niners’ website were unveiled at the December 17 Christmas luncheon and meeting. Designed and implemented by member Kathy Bushbaum, the website includes new member information as well as league news, golf winners and membership listing. “It’s simple to use,” said Bushbaum, “but includes all the information needed…