IWLN most improved players

Margaret Johns, first place Most Improved Player

Nancy Davis, Publicity Most Improved Players: On April 8, President Jeanine Krause hosted our General Meeting and Brunch and announced the IWLN Most Improved Players for 2014. Jeanine awarded the first place Most Improved Player to Margaret Johns and the second Most Improved Player to Rachel Enloe. Both of the ladies were presented a certificate…

IWLN out and about

Lady Niners Linda Breitbach, Marcia Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Barb Pezzute, Leta Polson, Judy Thompson and Catherine Tinerino-Moore at Shalimar

Nancy Davis, Publicity On March 6 Linda Breitbach, Marcia Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Barb Pezzute, Leta Polson, Judy Thompson and Catherine Tinerino-Moore participated in the Shalimar 9-Hers Mardi Gras Invitational Tournament. Ann Gavin’s team took second place in the tournament and Barb Pezzute won a door prize which was a complementary foursome of golf at the…

IWLN 2015 Valentine event

Nancy Davis, Publicity Valentine’s Day Event: The Ironwood Lady Niners held their 2015 Valentine Partners event on Wednesday, February 11. Members asked their spouses, a gentleman friend, or a lady friend to join us in a round of golf. The following guests participated in this event: Joe Azzaro, Bill Bartoo, Garry Breitbach, Ken Collier, Charles…

IWLN news and happenings – January 2015

Pictured left to right - seated Jeanine Krause and Susan Meer; standing Linda Liberti and Marcia Gaudioso

Nancy Davis Happy New Year and welcome back holiday travelers! We just want you all to know that since you couldn’t be here in Sun Lakes during the holidays, we all enjoyed golf and our gorgeous Chamber of Commerce holiday weather for you! 2015 Executive Board: The 2015 Executive Board was installed at our December…

Ironwood Lady Niners results and news

2014 Summer Hottie, President Jeanine Krause

Nancy Davis, Publicity It is with a very heavy heart that I report the passing of current member Janiece Wallin. Janiece has been an active member with the IWLN since 2007. She had a love of the game of golf and really enjoyed playing with our Ironwood Lady Niners League. To Janiece’s family, we extend…

IWLN and Monsoon Madness

Ann Gavin - ball in monsoon mess!

Nancy Davis, Publicity It is with a very heavy heart that I report the passing of current member Dee Siehl. Dee has been a member with the IWLN since 2010. She always wore her wonderful smile when she came to play and was so much fun to be paired with. Dee was always very helpful…

IWLN meet for breakfast

IWLN stay cool at the Poolside Café!

  Nancy Davis, Publicity On June 25 we decided to change our play day routine following golf from social time on the Ironwood patio to a cool social time breakfast at the Poolside Café at Oakwood. Ladies who joined in this event were Alice Baldwin, Nancy Davis, Rachel Enloe, Denise Fleshner, Ann Gavin, Marcia Gaudioso,…

IWLN most improved

The two Most Improved Golfers for 2013 are Susan Meer (left) and Ann Gavin (right).

Nancy Davis Awards presented: On Wednesday, April 9, President Jeanine Krause hosted our general meeting and spring brunch. Awards were presented to the most improved golfers, ringers and birdie and chip-In winners. The two most improved golfers for 2013 are first place Ann Gavin and second place Susan Meer. They each were presented a certificate…

IWLN Beat the Pro

Pictured (left to right) are Lana Jonker, Eddy Renio, Marcia Gaudioso and Holly DeVinck

Nancy Davis, Publicity Game of the Day: The game of the day on March 19 was Beat the Pro. Eddy Renio, Director of Golf, joined our ladies at the 7:30 a.m. shotgun off the back nine. Eddy challenged our ladies by shooting a 33 and was absolutely awesome. The following ladies beat the Pro: Paula…