Tag: Lions Club
Clubs & Classes, July 2023
Sun Lakes Lions Club
June Meeting Highlights On June 1 the Sun Lakes Lions Club held their year-end meeting during which the 2023-24 Board of Directors were installed. SLBLC Vice President Jack Dreyer Named Club Lion of the Year SLBLC First Vice President Jack Dreyer was named Lion of the Year by Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions President Gary Aleshire,…
Generals, June 2022
Sun Lakes Lions Club Easter Egg Float
Clubs & Classes, May 2021
Lions Club International Recognizes Two SLBLC Members
Brian Curry Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club (SLBLC) President Bob Glantz and First Vice President Mary Ann Miller recognized members Brian Curry and Robert Scully; their pins from Lions Club International signifying recognition of their efforts bringing new members into Lionism. If you would like to help the Sun Lakes community and would like more information…
Generals, November 2019
Appreciation festival to Celebrate Veterans Week
Norm Noble On Saturday, Nov. 16, at Sun Lakes Country Club between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the Arizona Patriot Guard Riders and Sun Lakes Rotary and Lions Clubs are hosting an appreciation festival to celebrate Veterans Week. Come out and have a bit of lunch and a drink while checking out the raffles, silent auctions,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2019
Bob Scully receives silver membership pin
Sun Lakes Breakfast Lion Club member Bob Scully receives a silver membership pin for bringing in new members from SLBLC President Brian Curry. “Bob, who is a previous Lion of the Year and a prestigious Melvin Jones fellowship award recipient, continues to serve Lionism every day; I value his assistance and advice throughout the year,”…
Clubs & Classes, April 2019
Lions meet at IHOP
Lion John Peterson On March 7, The Sun Lakes Lions Club held its monthly meeting at IHOP in Chandler. Our guest speaker was Ray Clark, Lions District Governor for district 21B in Arizona. Ray talked about the need for club participation in the Lions Club International Foundation, which provides grant money to communities. Ray also…
Clubs & Classes, April 2019
Lions Club welcomes visitor
It is a long standing Lions Club International tradition that when a traveling member is visiting another chapter you give a presentation on your home club and give a small Lions gift. At a Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club meeting past Lions zone chair Bob Neale from the Nanoose Bay Lions in British Columbia, Canada…
Clubs & Classes, March 2018
Lions celebrate centennial anniversary
PDG Lion Forrest Cheuvront Lions Clubs International is celebrating their Centennial Anniversary this year. As Sun Lakes Lions Club is part of this celebration, the club decided for our Community Legacy Project to make a visible gift with two “kneeler-wheelers” to the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse. The posse has medical equipment to lend to…