Tag: Short Line Model Railroad Club

Model Railroad Club welcomes in the New Year

Harry Huckemeyer As we all enter the New Year, we all have choices, and the opportunity to make a fresh start as we establish new goals for this upcoming year. The Short Line Model Railroad Club always welcomes new members, and we’re looking forward to some changes on how we operate. We’re looking forward to…

Shortline Model RR Club is back on track

The Short Line Model Railroad Club gets ready for the new season!

Harry Huckemeyer Hopefully, as we leave the monsoons behind us and we see the welcome signs of the yellow school busses back on the road, we all start to realize that the summer days are slowly passing by. As we approach Labor Day, known throughout the country as the official ending of the summer, we…

Heading home for the summer

The Short Line Model Railroad Club wants you!

  It’s that time of the year where things really start to go in motion as the warm weather arrives and many of our good friends leave to return to other areas to be with families and friends. The Short Line Model Railroad Club wishes you all an enjoyable and safe summer. I would like…