Judy Wegener November was the kick-off month for the holiday season. We are especially grateful for the reopening of the golf course after overseed. It’s so good to see many of our lady golfers return to enjoy the upcoming season! 10/31/23 Ghost Holes Flight 1: 1st (tie) Moe Schoenwalder and Nadine Stark, 3rd (tie) Sandi…
Sports, October 2023
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener The ladies are still sweating it up this long summer, hence our annual Sweat Hog Outing on Aug. 8. Everyone who participated was a winner. Lunch on the patio was enjoyed at the Oasis pool. 8/1/23 15 of 18 Flight 1: 1st Judy Bray, 2nd Nadine Stark, 3rd Penny Nowicki Flight 2: 1st…
September 2023, Sports
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener July was one for the record books this year, shattering the number of 110-degree days in a row at 31 days plus! The 18-holers started the month off with our traditional Plant Your Flag. 7/4/23 Plant Your Flag 1st Nadine Stark, 2nd Cat Lajune, 3rd Judy Wegener 7/11/23 Best 9 Net Flight 1:…
Sports, September 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener Happy 4th! It was time again for our annual “Plant Your Flag” Tournament. 7/5/22 Flag Tournament 1st (tie) Candy Bain and Debra Emerick, 2nd Kathy Schneider, 3rd Judy Bray 7/12/22 Best 9 Flight 1: 1st Kathy Schneider, 2nd (tie) Judy Wegener, Judy Bray, Jan Fletcher, Julie Hamlin, and Karen Kolis Flight 2: 1st…
Sports, August 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener Summer is officially here. Although our numbers are much smaller, we play on! June 7, T&F Holes Flight 1: 1st Barbara Arakelian, 2nd Nadine Stark, 3rd (tie) Judy Bray and Donna Smid Flight 2: 1st (tie) Betty Reagan and Jan Fletcher, 3rd (tie) Dori Winchester and Kelly Dennis Flight 3: 1st (tie) Sabrina…
Sports, July 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener The heat is on, and the snowbirds are gone. We summer desert dwellers golf on! 5/3/22 Beat the Pro: 1st Unni Foster, 2nd Jan Fletcher, 3rd Kelly Dennis 5/10/22 5 Points Game Flight 1: 1st Lynda Smith; 2nd Karen Kolis; 3rd Deb Emerick; Flight 2: 1st (tie) Cat Lajune, Unni Foster, and Dori Winchester;…
Sports, April 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener Congratulations to Jan Cobb for the overall winner of the Presidents Cup. Also, congratulations are in order for the Sun Lakes Ladies Travel Team for taking the trophy this year—a feat they haven’t seen since 2010! Feb. 1 Low Net Flight 1: 1st (tie) Debra Emerick and Lynn Tanner, 3rd Judy Bray; Flight…
Sports, March 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener 2022 marks two years since the start of the pandemic. Although COVID-19 is still with us, our ladies league is so excited to welcome back our Canadian friends! We are all looking forward to a fun and “normal” golf season. Jan. 4, Low Net Flight 1: 1st (tie) Brenda Heyink and Karen Smith,…
Sports, January 2022
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener After a three-week closure due to overseeding, the golf course at Sun Lakes emerged in terrific shape. The league is seeing a return of our Canadian friends after a 19-month lockdown. Hopefully, this is a sign that life is getting back to a new normal. 11/2/21 Scram a Sham 1st Penny Nowicki, Valerie…
Sports, November 2021
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener September has arrived, bringing a renewed hope of cooler nights, mild mornings, and pumpkin spice lattes! 9/14/21 Low Net Front Nine Flight 1: 1st (tie) Judy Wegener and Nadine Stark, 3rd Debra Emerick; Flight 2: 1st Judy Mical, 2nd (tie) Sabrina Erhardt and Sarah Green; Flight 3: 1st Linda Ryland, 2nd Judi Kilgus,…