Judy Wegener The Sun Lakes Ladies Golf Association kicked off July with our (American) Flag tournament. Ladies planted their flag when they met their targeted handicap. We may live in uncertain times but our patriotic spirit plays on. 7/07/20 Flag Tournament: 1st Cat Lajune, 2nd (tie) Jan Cobb, Debra Emerick, and Dori Winchester 7/14/20 Best…
Sports, July 2020
SLLGA May Results
Judy Wegener May has arrived, and Sun Lakes 18-Hole Ladies League continues to comply with COVID-19 rules: earlier tee times versus shotguns, single riders in golf carts, no rakes, and leaving the pins in the holes. 5/05/20 Yellow Ball: 1st (tie) Nancy O’Donnell, Cat Lajune, Judy Mical, and Nettie Dingler; Lynda Smith, Jan Fletcher, Diane Grosse,…
Sports, June 2020
SLLGA Results
Judy Wegener The days are heating up, and social distancing is the new norm. Golf is considered essential outdoor recreation, so the ladies league plays on! April 7: 2 Low Nets: 1st Judy Wegener, Judy Bray, Unni Foster, and Betty Peer; 2nd Lynda Smith, Betty Ulrich, Judy Mical, and Cathy LaMothe; 3rd (tie) Penny Nowicki,…
Sports, March 2020
SLLGA News and Results
Sports, January 2020
Judy Wegener Sun Lakes golf course is out of overseed, and the course is looking great! Despite cart path only and the occasional rainstorm, the ladies are excited to play. 11/12 Scram A Sham. 1st Debra Emerick, Judy Bray, Sharon Elliott, and Judy Cox; 2nd Brigette Charles, Betty Reagan, Arne Havens, and Betty Peer; 3rd…
Sports, November 2019
SLLGA stats
Judy Wegener Summer is winding down, but the heat continues. Cooler weather is just around the corner which gives a great incentive to play on! 9/03 Portuguese Caddy—Flight 1: 1st (tie) Nancy O’Donnell and Moe Schoenwalder, 2nd Debra Emerick, 3rd Donna Smid; Flight 2: 1st Shirley Brenner, 2nd Betty Ulrich, 3rd (tie) Jan Fletcher and…
Sports, September 2019
SLLGA results
Judy Wegener The dog days of summer continue, and Sun Lakes Ladies 18 Holers continue to brave the heat and humidity! 7/02 Flag Tournament: 1st Dang Parker, 2nd Mary Bish, 3rd Marylou Claypool 7/09 Best Nine – Flight 1: 1st Dang Parker, 2nd Judy Wegener, 3rd Jan Fletcher; Flight 2: 1st Judi Kilgus, 2nd Cat…
Sports, August 2019
SLLGA stats
Judy Wegener The heat is on! The ladies who brave the summer heat are able to pick their tee times for Tuesday morning play. The earlier the better, I say! June 4 Fewest Putts Flight 1: 1st Kelly Dennis, 2nd (tie) Nancy O’Donnell and Jan Fletcher, 4th Debra Emerick; Flight 2: 1st Roxanne Belshaw,…
Sports, July 2019
SLLGA May results
Judy Wegener SLLGA kicked off May with 3 Clubs and a Putter. Time to pick your partner! Two weeks of Match Play was made more challenging by blustery winds and unseasonably cooler weather. This did not deter Uni Foster who holed out on #3 for her first hole-in-one. Game Results: 3 Clubs and a Putter…
Sports, June 2019
SLLGA’s Spring Fling Shamble
Judy Wegener SLLGA kicked off spring with their annual Spring Fling Shamble. After golf, the ladies were treated to a yummy luncheon and some fun giveaways. Low Net 4/2/19: Flight 1: 1st Lynn Tanner, 2nd Lynda Smith, 3rd (tie) Brenda Heyink and Moe Schoenwalder; Flight 2: 1st Kelly Dennis, 2nd Mary Lou Claypool, 3rd (tie)…