Tag: tennis

IronOaks Tennis Tips from Coach Kwong

Tennis Tip 2: This picture displays good form and weight transfer, timing and balance, and overall good fundamentals. Try to work on this by having a reliable weekly practice partner (ball machine) to improve your skill development.

Coach Kwong December Events: • Ball Machine Class—Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and 9 to 10:30 a.m. The fee is only $20 for Tennis Club members and $30 for non-members. • Sunday Social every Sunday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Play three quick rounds with other tennis lovers and pick up some new skills.…

Tennis Club Update

Photo from March 2020

Jerry Vance As you can expect, the Sun Lakes Tennis Club has had to stop having tournaments, both internal and with other tennis clubs. We hope to be able to have our Christmas Dinner, but time will tell. We are playing tennis every Monday and Thursday at the tennis courts. If you are not a…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Cancels Some Activities for Fall

2020-21 Cottonwood Tennis Club President Laks Jagnandan led the club in handling the situation caused by COVID-19.

Penny Petersen Just when you think plans for the Cottonwood Tennis Club’s (CTC) 2020-21 season are going swimmingly well, COVID-19 demolishes all the hard work. That’s how the CTC Board felt last month when President Laks Jagnadan and board members Cannon Hill (vice president), Spencer Roberts (treasurer), Ruthanne Strohn (secretary), Jay Ketter (tournament director), and…

Tennis Tip

Kwong Young As a player, do you have the capability to change the way and where you hit? Can you calm yourself down or fuel yourself into a positive emotional state? When thinking back to the time I started playing tennis in upstate New York, I was a ticking time bomb on the court and sadly displayed negative,…

Tennis with Coach Kwong

IronOaks tennis coach Coach Kwong is conducting his weekly clinics Monday through Friday mornings. If you are interested in a fun class with music and high energy, consider cardio tennis. This class is not only fun, but you can practice your tennis skills. The ball machine class helps you build on your swings for ball…

IronOaks Tennis Club Plans a Busy Year!

Carole Rockland The new IronOaks Tennis Club (IOTC) Board has planned a busy year of tennis for members. The opening event will be a “welcome back” mixer with Cottonwood Tennis Club on Saturday, Nov. 7. December will feature the traditional New Year’s Eve mixer, open to all local tennis clubs. A highlight of this event…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Offers Free Clinics

Al Wagner and Pierre Moresi are the chief instructors for Cottonwood's free tennis clinics which begin in October. Pierre handles the Monday sessions, and Al does the Tuesday classes.

Penny Petersen As fall approaches, it’s time to think about the joys of playing tennis and the free tennis clinics offered by Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC). The classes were started in the early 80s by Don Neu, then Cottonwood’s tennis pro. They’ve gained popularity over the years, and they’re due to begin again in October,…

Cottonwood Tennis Year in Review 2019-20

A review of activities of CTC includes women's doubles, men's doubles, and, of course, food.

Penny Petersen Memories of great tennis games, exciting competition against friends, and tennis dinners with entertainment are usually the things the Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) members remember. This year, everything was different as the coronavirus caused the cancellation of six scheduled events. That’s never happened since the club was founded in 1982, 38 years ago.…