Tag: Unity Church

Unity Community

Happy New Year! Unity Church of Sun Lakes invites anyone to the Wednesday events at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room. Everyone can come, learn, and have fun. January events: Jan. 8 Elise Ratliff leads a balance and stretch session from 1 to 1:45 p.m. Sheila Taylor leads the Metaphysical Group from 2 to…

Members of Unity Church at Golden Rule Banquet

  Kay Davis Recently, Lynn Kinsey, Margaret Simkins, Lois Valleau and Toni Corrigan attended the Arizona Interfaith Golden Rule Banquet on April 12, 2018, honoring those persons who personify living the Golden Rule. One who particularly stood out is Rose Mapendo, a Congolese woman whose village was attacked by Rwandan army forces. Although initially everyone…

Unity: Prosperity and Abundance

Kay Davis When many people hear or see the word prosperity, they automatically think of money; and although Webster’s Dictionary mentions achieving economic wellbeing, it also relates the word to strong, thriving, flourishing and enjoying vigorous and healthy growth. Here at Unity, we see God as the source of unending supply and as we affirm our…

The Five Unity Principles

Kay Davis In September, schools are starting their new semesters. What a perfect time to renew the basic tenets we at Unity church hold to be true. Reverend Debbi will be teaching and highlighting this set of Principles written down by Connie Bazzy Fillmore, the great granddaughter of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of Unity,…

Unity: Go with the flow

Kay Davis In the July issue of Unity Magazine, Judith Orloff, M.D. shares with us the article, “Radiant Aging.” The ideas presented have to do with our negative perceptions about aging and our society’s underlying fear of the process. As research has linked negative perceptions about aging with a 7 year shorter life span, it…

World Peace Interfaith candle lighting service

Unity Church of Sun Lakes will be holding a World Peace/Interfaith Candle Lighting ceremony which is open to all the community to attend on June 22 at our regular 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. We will be reading peace prayers and sacred scriptures from 12 major world religions and traditions and lighting a candle for each.…