Tag: veterans

Desert Navy Update

Richard Volpe The Desert Navy resumes its 2022 program with our next meeting scheduled for March 18. We’re looking forward to a nice turnout. Typically, when available, we will have a guest speaker to participate with a presentation that is of interest to all our club membership. The Desert Navy meets on the third Friday…

Korean War Veterans

Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander It is certainly a nice change to see the local area communities, as well as the surrounding areas, come to life with the weather starting to really cooperate and most outdoor activities picking up as we move closer to the holiday seasons. With Thanksgiving only days away, we can expect…

Veterans Day Commemoration

Join us at the flag pavilion in front of Sun Lakes Country Club on Thursday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m. We will have water available for you. Several local veteran chapters are preparing a program for you, and the Sunset Grill will furnish refreshments following the program.

Save the Date! Spread the News!

“A Hand Up 4 Vets,” Jewish War Veterans Copper Post 619 fundraiser to benefit homeless veterans, will be held online from Oct. 27 through Nov. 10. The auction committee has been hard at work securing fabulous donations. “We wanted to create a fundraiser that would be COVID-safe for all of our retired members, the majority…

Korean War Veterans

Leon “Skip” Johnson, Chapter Commander With the coming of the fall season, we all have high expectations of the fine weather that typically makes this a wonderful place to visit, and after a warmer-than-usual summer, many of us who call this home are happy to see and feel the changes as we rapidly head into…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson Hopefully, you all had an opportunity to spend some quality time over the summer months doing whatever works best, whether it be visiting new locations, meeting up with old friends, or just enjoying the local surroundings where there is so much to see and do. Every year around this time…

Desert Navy Update

Richard Volpe Greetings, Desert Navy members. It has been a long, tough year, but it looks like we can start meeting again! It will be great to see you all. Be sure to mark your calendars with the upcoming dates. Our meetings will be held at the IHOP, located on the northeast corner of Arizona…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson It’s been a long, hard battle for all, as we’ve been living a life filled with many limitations and new requirements placed upon us in our everyday living, in our quest to resolve all the issues pertaining to the coronavirus. It has been over a year now, and although the end…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson Hopefully, the current progress we’re experiencing pertaining to the coronavirus will continue, and in the not-too-distant future, life will resume to some sort of normalcy. Slowly, things are changing, always with precautions, with somewhat relaxations that allow things to happen at present that were frowned upon not too many days…