Tag Archive for Unity of Sun Lakes

Unity: If Every Day Were Christmas

Kay Davis Unity of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Spiritual Community. We keep a positive attitude, knowing the powerful Love of God heals us and all the world around us. Reverend Jeanne MacLaughlin records our Sunday services on YouTube, and we can watch them anytime. Search Unity of Sun Lakes, and the date, on…

New music director at Unity of Sun Lakes

Rev. Debbie Brown Unity of Sun Lakes is delighted to welcome Francine Alexander as its new music director. Francine comes to the Sun Lakes area from Kona, Hawaii, with her husband Jack and her Yorkie Andy, as in Raggedy Andy. After 20 years “selling spirits,” she started “selling the spirit” to use a quote of…

John of God Crystalline Light Bed in Sun Lakes

  Rev. Debbi Brown On June 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., you can experience a crystalline light bath with a John of God light bed. If you haven’t heard about this remarkable healer from Brazil, then please visit his website, http://johnofgod.com/. João de Deus is a humble man who is very clear about…

Unity: See the good

  Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is an active and thriving, positive and uplifting, loving spiritual community. We follow the teachings of Jesus and other spiritual masters, choose a healthy lifestyle and align our thoughts and attitudes with what we believe is the Truth of our being, that God is all powerful and…

Unity: Silent unity

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a loving, accepting and supportive community of souls. We live a positive lifestyle filled with gratitude, the study of Truth Principles and affirmative prayer. We believe that God is present everywhere, and we are all one in God. Rev. Dr. Debbi Adams is our spiritual leader. Please…

Unity: No worries

At Unity of Sun Lakes we adopt a positive attitude and lifestyle. We follow the teachings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. We will be closed during July and August but we invite you to join us on September 4 when our Sunday services resume. At Unity it feels just like coming home…

Unity: The Practice

Kay Davis Unity practices a positive lifestyle. We follow the teachings of Jesus and other Master teachers by way of study, meditation and prayer. Because we know that the Spirit of God is within every one of us, we also know that there is no separation between us and we are all One. For the…

Unity: Peace please!

Unity teaches a positive life style. We believe that every good thing starts with the One. One mind, one heart, whole and perfect, uniting every man, woman and child in peace, love and equality. January 15 is the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. and we not only remember his dream but we renew our…