Clubs & Classes

Cheers Singles Club News

Ann Kisner We have added over 60 new or returning members since January of 2021. Welcome to you all. We are so fortunate to have you joining in all our activities. We have some fun trips coming up, so be sure to check Richard’s list on the bulletin board at our Thursday socials. If you…

Food, Music and Memory: A New Adventures Class

Jan Bobbett and Mary Kenny The sound of a “Pomp and Circumstance” march harkens us to a school graduation. A mayonnaise cake for family occasions created great memories. It stayed moist, and the Hershey’s Cocoa powder frosting was divine (just had to ignore the mayonnaise). Most of us have tasted a certain food, smelled something…

Desert Artists Club News

The Desert Artists Club of Sun Lakes is open to residents who belong to any of the three HOAs: Sun Lakes Country Club, Cottonwood Palo Verde, and IronOaks. Our club is comprised of artists who wish to create art together in a relaxing and fun environment. We are a diverse group who work in many…

Spirit of the Desert Gourd Patch

Vicki McKenna, Publicity January has been a very busy month preparing for the Wuertz Festival, Running of the Gourds, which is to be held Feb. 11 to 13. Judging will be held for the competition on Feb. 10. Many of our members in the Sun Lakes area will be competing this year. We hope to…

Savvy Travelers Club Meeting February 10

Jeanette Rajamaki The Savvy Travelers Club is hosting American Queen Steamboat Company. We will meet in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood Country Club at 6:30 p.m. Tiffanie Kilgast, business manager, will update on the new destinations. We have a large group from Sun Lakes booked for April 24 sailing Memphis to New Orleans. A…

Ready to Lead a Hike?

Warren Wasescha Someone once said if we don’t have hike leaders, our club is just a picnic and some monthly meetings. Thankfully, we have a number of dedicated hike leaders who make our hikes happen. But we could always use more to keep the hiking calendar full. Not sure you’re comfortable leading a hike? It’s…

Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club

Cathie Smith, Secretary, Sun Lakes Roadrunners RV Club Is that the smell of love in the air for February, or is it the smell of citrus blossoms and wildflowers? With all the rain we’ve had and the warm temperatures, the desert should be blooming and looking ahead to spring in Arizona. Yes, you’re right—spring! Get…

Sun Lakes Garden Club – Swarming Bees

“What should you do when you see a swarm of bees in your garden?” Derrick Shields is a local professional beekeeper who will be the featured speaker for the Feb. 15 meeting. He’ll share his vast knowledge of bees and how important they are as pollinators for our food supply. On Jan. 25 the members…